Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1427 SSS-level missions in the United States

Chapter 1427 SSS-level mission of the United States (5) ([-])
After a while, Fairy Furong came out, told Shuang'er and the others that the valley owner had invited them, and then led them into the gate of Blissful Drunken Immortal Residence one by one.

Compared with the tall, dignified and majestic outside, the inside is much warmer, making the women feel a comfortable home feeling, and the tense atmosphere before has been relieved to some extent.

Sure enough, this is a multi-storey residence. Sadly, there is no elevator in it, and Shuang'er and the others have to follow Fairy Furong along the stairs that can accommodate two carriages, step by step. Climb up.

"Sister Shuang'er, is this not good? It would be very dangerous for us to go inside knowing that the owner of the valley is a pervert. My husband will definitely be unhappy if he finds out." Qiu Zimei struggled to climb up, while Shuang'er whispered in her ear.Among all the girls, if one listens to Leng Ye's words the most, it is Qiu Zimei.

"Sister Zimei, keep your voice down, if people hear that we have a husband, things will be difficult." Shuang'er hurriedly motioned Zimei to shut up.Shuang'er didn't know that she dared to come in at the risk of being frivolous, but she knew very well that this game protects women very well. If it is possible to be sued, then the NPC will not make such a mistake, otherwise, it would be too inhumane and would be condemned by God.Therefore, when he found out that the owner of the valley is lustful, she was very happy in her heart, not because of anything else, but because she could easily go deep into the owner of the valley with her own advantages, and then of course she would be able to find out the whereabouts of Zhaxisi Well, there is no loss if you can't find out, the worst is to meet each other.In Shuang'er's view, with their strength, it is not difficult to deal with a valley owner who lives in seclusion in the canyon.

Everyone kept climbing up, and I don't know how long it took, let alone how many steps they had passed. Finally, Fairy Furong took them to the highest floor of the palace.The reason why this is the highest level is that the steps have come to an end.

With three turns and two turns, Shuang'er and the others followed Fairy Furong to a big hall. Contrary to everyone's expectations, this big hall has the charm of an ancient Chinese emperor's palace.On the main hall sits an old man wearing a dragon crown, a dragon robe, and a long white beard. The old man looks more than 60 years old, with a red face, bright eyes, and a hale and hearty spirit. He can be regarded as old and strong.

The girls were shocked when they saw the old man.This is not a canyon in a foreign country, this is simply a return to the ancient Chinese dynasty!They all speculated: "Could it be that some ancient Chinese emperor came to the American continent and settled down here? Since he is an emperor, it is not strange to have Sangong and Liuyuan, let alone lust."

But Shuang'er thought: "There is a Chinatown in California, where Chinese people gather. There is nothing wrong with creating an emperor. This just shows that they have not forgotten their roots, and they have never forgotten that they are still descendants of the dragon."

Fairy Furong withdrew after reporting, and only Shuang'er and the others and the old man sitting on the throne of the palace were left in Nuo Da's palace.

(End of this chapter)

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