Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1428 SSS-level missions in the United States

Chapter 1428 SSS-level mission of the United States (6) ([-])
Shuang'er wanted to go forward and say something, but she didn't know where to start.At this moment, the old man suddenly came down from the throne and looked at Shuang'er with a smile, which made her feel uncomfortable all over.Although Shuang'er didn't think that the other party would do anything to her, she still sweated and whispered to the girls around: "Sisters, as long as he dares to act recklessly, let's do it immediately." At this time, Shuang'er couldn't help but Thinking of Leng Ye again, if he was here, how could a little girl like herself be allowed to take such risks.

While smiling, the old man walked towards Shuang'er, and suddenly opened his arms to have an intimate contact with her.Just when the old man was one step away from Shuang'er, Shuang'er stretched out her foot and kicked the old man's lower body fiercely.

With Shuang'er's foot, even if the old man survived, the place would swell for several days, at least in a short period of time, it would be inhumane.However, just when Shuang'er's little feet were about to come into close contact with the other party, the old man reacted swiftly. He was as light as a swallow, and he flew backward several feet with a jump, just landing on the throne.

"You little girl, I salute you kindly, but you treat me like this. Fortunately, my old man runs fast, otherwise this life will be gone." The old man smiled at Shuang'er, as if he was not angry.

Suddenly, Shuang'er felt that the old man was not so annoying again.Because from the beginning to the end, she didn't see any lust in the old man's eyes, and even his smile didn't have any lewd meaning.

"Although the old man is yellow-skinned and black-eyed, this is the American district after all. He will inevitably entertain us with some American customs and methods. So he just wanted to hug me as a friendly gesture, but I Did you blame him?" Realizing this, Shuang'er couldn't help but blame herself for being too impulsive.

"Aren't you all the wives of Leng Shaoxia?" The old man asked while sitting upright.

"Yes... yes." Shuang'er replied embarrassingly.And the other women, after seeing Shuang'er stepping out, each took their weapons and set up a stance, waiting to attack at any time, but unexpectedly the old man asked this, let alone Shuang'er answered.

"You are Shuang'er, right? You are so courageous!" the old man praised.

At first, Shuang'er thought that the old man would not let it go because of her impulsiveness. Now that he praised him so much, a huge rock in her heart immediately relaxed, but she also heard that the old man had something to say, so she said: "We are here this time. There is an important matter to discuss with the owner of the valley. If you have anything to ask, the owner of the valley, we will try our best to complete it, and it will be an exchange."

"Haha~~" The old man laughed loudly and said, "Shuang'er is the first one who dares to negotiate terms with me in my territory. You are so courageous, you really are a hero among women. With a confidante like you , I guess that boy Leng Ye is not far behind. How about this, you talk about your conditions first, as long as my old man thinks it is suitable, I will agree to exchange with you."

Shuang'er thought to herself: "If you agree, I don't necessarily agree!" But she still hurriedly said to the old man: "Is there a black girl named Zaxisi who was occupied by you?"

(End of this chapter)

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