Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1429 SSS-level missions in the United States

Chapter 1429 SSS-level mission of the United States (7) ([-])
As soon as Shuang'er finished speaking, the old man's complexion suddenly darkened. After a moment of silence, he said, "Little girl, don't speak so harshly. My old man is good at everything, but not lewd. The girl you mentioned once served Me, but only to tell me stories, that's all. And now... now she's not here anymore."

Shuang'er was startled, and thought: "You're smart and I'm not stupid." Immediately she said to the old man: "My condition is very simple, as long as you help me find Tashisi first, I can consider your condition."

"This... this... If that's the case, then you guys go! It is destined that my old man will accomplish nothing." The old man's face was ashen, and he looked lost, and finally shouted: "See off!"

Just as Fairy Furong walked in, Shuang'er felt compassion again and said, "Old man, old emperor, although it is the first time we meet you, I think you are not bad, at least you are not like the one in the legend." Well... with my temper, I will definitely not sympathize with you, but my husband has always respected the old and loved the young. If I just leave like this, he will definitely blame me. In order to make my husband happy, I will promise you for free That condition, but don't push yourself too far, it's too much!"

Shuang'er has stayed with Leng Ye for a long time, and has done a lot of tasks, so she has learned a lot from Leng Ye.At this moment, she naturally didn't really want to help the old man, and it wasn't because of the so-called fear of the cold night, but because she finally got a little news from Tashisi, and she didn't want to give up just like that.The kindness of a drop of water is reciprocated by the fountain, she just wants the old man to owe her a favor, and owes Leng Ye a favor, so that she can get more news about Tashisi from him.

To the surprise of almost everyone, the old man burst into tears after hearing Shuang'er's words.Wearing a dragon robe, wearing a dragon crown, and sitting on a dragon chair, even if the old man has fallen from a generation of emperors to a valley owner, he will never cry bitterly, and his performance at this moment is indeed far beyond the surprise of Shuang'er and others.This also further arouses their kind nature as women and arouses their sympathy.They came forward to comfort the old man one by one. After a long time, the old man stopped crying and began to tell his own story.

It turned out that there were two main cities in California: one was the existing main city, namely Los Angeles; the other was the holy city, and the old man was originally the lord of the holy city.About 300 years ago, Los Angeles and Holy City were equally prosperous. Among them, Luo City advocated force, while Holy City advocated benevolent government. However, this situation did not last long. The Lord of Luo City was ambitious and launched an attack on the Holy City. As a result, the holy city was defeated, and most of them died on the spot. Even those who did not die in the battle were mostly reduced to slaves in the city, and only a few escaped.The old man in front of him, the lord of the holy city, escaped from the holy city with the help of the guards and others, and came to this desolate valley, which was originally uninhabited, thus escaped disaster.Unfortunately, the old man's only son was arrested for covering his father's escape. It is said that he is still locked in the dungeon in Los Angeles, without seeing the sun all year round.

(End of this chapter)

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