Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1448 SSS-level mission of the United States

Chapter 1448 SSS-level missions in the United States (3) ([-])
"Are you young hero Leng?" The city lord asked Leng Ye very politely.

Leng Ye also replied politely: "Yes." Then he directly explained the purpose of coming, and then continued to look at the city lord.Leng Ye found that when he said the word Zhaxisi, a bright smile appeared on the face of the city lord, which also revealed his concern as a father.

"For the sake of his daughter, the city lord can put aside his identity and go out to greet me directly, which shows that the city lord cares about his daughter. How can such a person be a heinous villain! But why did he appear before Tashisi disappeared? Why did he still torture Mier so cruelly at this time? Why did he stop this marriage regardless of Zhaxisi's sadness?" Leng Ye looked at this kind city lord, and immediately had countless questions in his heart.As a result, he warned himself not to be impulsive, not to accuse the city lord rashly for the sake of Mier, and wait until the question is clear.

After all, the city lord is the city lord, after a brief gaffe, he bowed and invited Leng Ye into the mansion, treating him as a guest.

"Young Xia Leng, I heard that you have found the whereabouts of the little girl. May I ask how she is now? Where is she? Please, Young Xia Leng, please let me know..." Seeing no one else, the City Lord kept asking Leng Ye with a very sincere attitude. , looking rather anxious.

Leng Ye is not an out-and-out active person, he first considered his mission, and immediately told the city lord briefly about Zhaxisi's situation.

After listening to Leng Ye's narration, the city lord's face suddenly darkened, and he murmured: "God's will! Could this be God's will!"

No need to ask, just looking at the face of the city lord, Leng Ye has already guessed the result.In fact, his trip was only with the attitude of giving it a try, and he didn't have much hope for finding another way to send Tashisi back. Therefore, at this moment, he has kept a normal heart heart of.

"My lord, you don't need to be sad, even if you work hard, I will definitely bring back Tashisi." Leng Ye vowed.Leng Ye's words really came from his heart, mainly because he didn't want to fail the mission after nearly half a year of continuous hard work. As for what will happen to Zhaxisi after she returns, that's not his concern.

The city lord hurriedly stood up from the chair, immediately knelt in front of Leng Ye, kept bowing, and praised repeatedly: "Thank you, Young Master Leng! Thank you, Young Master Leng!" It took a long time before he got up.

"The SSS-level task was received from Mier in the church, and he should be the one to complete the task. Although I don't judge people by their appearance, but looking at Mier's poor body, I don't think there will be any good treasures for the task. Reward. After I finish the task, I will bring Zhasis and Mier back to the city lord, and because of his preference for Zhasis, maybe he can give me half of Dodoma City." Thinking of this, Leng Ye couldn't help but feel happy.

Just when Leng Ye was proud, a purple cloak appeared in the hands of the city lord of Dodoma at some point, and he said: "Young Xia Leng, thank you for saving the little girl, please accept this cloak. When the little girl comes back, I will thank you young man." Then he stuffed the cloak in Leng Ye's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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