Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1449 SSS-level mission of the United States

Chapter 1449 SSS-level missions in the United States (4) ([-])
As soon as Leng Ye took over the cloak, the system's notification sounded.

System prompt: Congratulations to the player Leng Ye for obtaining the magic weapon Nine Dragons Cloak, the system rewards [-] million prestige and [-] million prestige.

Leng Ye was shocked when he heard the word "Nine Dragons", and hurriedly opened the cloak's properties to see.

Kowloon cloak: a magic weapon, the attribute is not turned on, one of the components of the Kowloon suit, dedicated to Sword Demon.

"A suit... a suit..." Leng Ye was so excited that he was so happy that he couldn't speak.

In Lingyun, cloaks are extremely rare as a special equipment, mainly because killing monsters will not reveal the cloaks, and there are very few tasks to reward cloaks, so that there are very few people in Lingyun who can own cloaks.Occasionally meet one or two men with capes, no matter how beautiful or ugly he is, there will always be N beautiful women around him, so it can be seen that capes have also become a tool for picking up girls.People who can use cloaks are either rich or expensive, and the cloaks they wear are basically bought at unknown high prices. Gradually, cloaks have become a symbol of their status.

The worst level of equipment for a cloak is an artifact, and its attributes are often equal to the sum of the attributes of helmets and armor of the same level. Therefore, in addition to being more attractive to wear, the cloak can also greatly enhance personal strength.It is precisely because of the super height attached to the cloak, in a sense, the person who owns the cloak fights alone with others, and rarely fails. If he fails, if the opponent is not too strong, it can only show that he is too strong packaged.

As soon as Leng Ye put the cloak on her body, she immediately became much more energetic.Look again, on the cloak are nine various golden dragons hovering and flying, baring their teeth and claws, extremely ferocious, showing powerful attack power everywhere, which is daunting.

Leng Ye turned around on the spot, and saw the cloak dancing with the wind, fluttering behind Leng Ye.When Leng Ye turned around, the nine lifelike golden dragons on the cloak unexpectedly broke away from the cloak, and began to circle around Leng Ye.Judging from the flying positions of the nine golden dragons, they happened to guard every important part of Leng Ye's body, making it impossible for people to attack.

However, Leng Ye didn't seem to know about the change of the nine golden dragons, his face was calm, and after saying goodbye to the city lord, he crushed the scroll to return to the city.

With a flash in front of his eyes, Leng Ye appeared at the resurrection point of Sword Demon City.

"Negotiating with the border guards in the US district has only a 50.00% success rate. Once the negotiation fails, we will start a fight. If I really take this step, I will be close to death. You must know that once you fail, you will be demoted by ten levels. Punishment!" Leng Ye let out a long sigh.But to be on the safe side, Leng Ye decided to look for Longquan and Baicao. If they could repair the ice spirit stone within three days, even if the fight started, Leng Ye would have a slightly better chance of winning.

As soon as Leng Ye walked to the door of the blacksmith shop, he heard a female voice screaming behind him: "Husband, wait for me!" He looked back and found a girl in a pink dress running towards this side.The girl is tall, sexy and graceful, especially the two looming soft lumps inside the chest, which sway slightly while running, adding to the girl's beauty.

(End of this chapter)

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