Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1450 SSS-level mission of the United States

Chapter 1450 SSS-level missions in the United States (5) ([-])
Let alone in China, even in Sword Demon City, there are countless fans of Leng Ye, and there are many young and beautiful girls among them.Many of them were deeply attracted by Leng Ye's handsome and personable demeanor.However, the one in front of me who dared to call out Leng Ye's husband has never appeared.

Those who dare to yell and call Leng Ye "husband" in Sword Demon City, there is probably no one else except Leng Ye's wife.The moment he heard the shout, Leng Ye thought so too.However, when he looked back, he found that the girl's face was very strange.

"My husband... but... but... I caught up with you!" the girl said out of breath, and then threw herself into Leng Ye's arms.

Holding the girl in his arms, smelling her body fragrance, Leng Ye felt refreshed intuitively, and thought: "Girls nowadays are not willing to suffer, and the one who can call me husband is naturally my wife. I just don't know Who is this in front of me." The reason why he was so at ease was because he thought of Qiu Zimei, her beauty skills, Shuang'er who had a beauty treatment a few days ago, and thought that the girl in front of him must be one of his wives who passed by. Cosmetology improved.

Of course, Leng Ye knew that as soon as he came out with the Divine Appreciation Technique, he would immediately recognize the girl's name, but Leng Ye also considered that this would be unfair to his wife, and it wouldn't be fun if that happened.

Since Mars' personality, height, and voice are a bit similar to the girl in front of him, he naturally took the seat.It's just that he didn't expect that the body fragrance in front of him seemed to be very special, unlike those of his wives, but she soon thought it was Qiu Zimei's cosmetology skills that had been upgraded again.

Feeling the softness in front of the girl, and thinking about the warm scene with Mars before, Leng Ye felt itchy in his heart.Feeling embarrassed, Leng Ye hastily pushed the girl away from her arms, and asked in a low voice, "Why did you come back alone first?"

"I'm bored! Besides, people miss you!" The girl said with a sweet smile.

Seeing the girl's natural behavior in front of him, Leng Ye decided that she was his wife without a doubt, and without thinking about who she was, he touched the girl's face casually and said with a smile: "Good wife, first Accompany me to do the task, and my husband will reward you properly after three days."

"Honey, what's the reward?" the girl asked immediately.

Leng Ye noticed that the girl was looking at him innocently, and suddenly felt it was funny. He smiled, and without saying a word, he led him directly into the blacksmith's shop.

(End of this chapter)

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