Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1453 SSS-level mission of the United States

Chapter 1453 SSS-level mission of the United States (3) ([-])
Diewu Nishang blushed, and said in a low voice: "Husband, you are lecherous! Who told you to see...there..., they are just considering that you may not believe my level, so you want to share your attributes Just for you to see."

Leng Ye immediately realized that he had misunderstood, slowly withdrew his hand, smiled wryly, but considered his own face, and said: "Then your hand..." He originally wanted to say that your hand was obviously trying to take off your clothes, Considering that Longquan Baicao is here, it has not been said.

"Cough! When I first entered the game, a sister said that you can only share your attributes by touching your shoulders with both hands. I believed it to be true. Later, although I knew she was just joking with me, I was used to it. , keep forgetting..." the girl argued.

Leng Ye didn't expect that his "fault transfer method" would come into effect so quickly, even though the girl was talking, he was secretly proud.

When Leng Ye saw the attributes of Die Wu's neon clothes, he opened his mouth in surprise.

Leng Ye didn't expect Die Wu Nishang to be such a fragile vase girl that she could really rise to level [-]-[-].Different from ordinary occupations, this occupation has only one passive skill: bloodthirsty madness.Every time you cut a monster whose level is not lower than your own level, the player's whole body's attributes will passively increase by a certain value, especially the attack is the most prominent. What's more gratifying is that if the player dies while killing monsters, although the level will drop, but Attributes will not decrease in the slightest.

No matter from Diewu Nishang's appearance or her voice, she doesn't look like a bloodthirsty girl.But who would have thought that such a girl would kill more than 500 million monsters in just a few months, and she did it without any group skills, which made Leng Ye secretly admire.

"Sister Diewu, according to the calculation formula of bloodthirsty madness, you will grow the fastest when you kill monsters at level [-] when you are not reincarnated at level [-]~[-]. Your profession does not need to increase the level at all, why should you rush to upgrade?" Going from level [-] to level [-]! Now it is very difficult to increase attributes." Leng Ye sighed, thinking: "The pain of suicide is not something ordinary people can bear, probably because this girl is afraid of death!"

"Who says it's not! But you said that you have to be obedient when you call your husband, and you won't let me see you until you turn [-] to level [-], but... but..." Die Wu Nishang said this, her face turned red .

(Answer to the book friend: [-]. You can vote for one gold brick every day for free; [-]. I will send out the list of registrations for the national war in a few days, and check it yourself; [-]. This month, from morning to night, almost every other day It will be updated every hour, the chapter size is variable, and the word count is between [-] and [-].)
Through preliminary calculations, Leng Ye knew that with Die Wu Nishang's monster kills and levels, if she could keep her level at around [-], then her current attributes would be at least three times as high as now, and her attack would be at least as high as now. Five times.Leng Ye really didn't expect Die Wu Nishang to sacrifice the great opportunity to increase his attributes in order to see him, so he couldn't help but be extremely moved.

(End of this chapter)

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