Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1454 SSS-level mission of the United States

Chapter 1454 SSS-level mission of the United States (4) ([-])
Different from other girls' expressions, Diewu Nishang's "obedient" affection for Leng Ye is very deep, and it also makes Leng Ye like it from the bottom of his heart.At that moment, Leng Ye hugged the girl tightly and whispered: "Silly girl." But he enjoyed it in his heart.

"Good wife, with your basic attack of 1 million, defense of [-] million, speed of [-] million and life of [-] million, you can be regarded as No.[-] in the history of Lingyun. My husband, I am going to kill the American border guards With your help, my good wife, together we husband and wife will surely be able to kill the border guards to the point of bruises, heartbreaks, bloody flesh, bleeding..." Leng Ye laughed.

"Okay! Okay!" Diewu Nishang immediately said happily, and after a while, he said again: "Husband, I was killed by the border guards in the American district just before I turned around. We just went to take revenge!"

Leng Ye was startled, and thought: "Even if you go to level [-], the little girl has [-] life, [-] speed and [-] defense, and she will be instantly killed by the border guards, so I'm no big deal in front of the border guards. "Thinking of this, Leng Ye couldn't help shivering.

"Husband, I know you didn't recognize me just now. I don't blame you after such a long time. I'll return the fire stone to you now!" Diewu Nishang said and put the fire stone into it again. Into the hands of the cold night.

Holding the fire spirit stone in his hand, Leng Ye had to look at Die Wu's neon dress with admiration.Leng Ye had to admit that when he just recognized Die Wu Nishang, he was really reluctant to let go of such a priceless fire stone, but at this moment, he was [-]% willing to give this stone to girl.

Leng Ye laughed, and said: "I gave this fire spirit stone to my good wife when I was awake. I wonder if she would accept it?" He held the fire spirit stone in his palm again. , placed in front of Diewu Nishang.

"Really?" Diewu Nishang asked, not waiting for Leng Ye's answer, as if afraid of his repentance, quickly grabbed it from his hand and held it in his hand fondly.

"She is willing to give it back to me even though she likes it so much, she is such a good girl." Leng Ye secretly sighed.

Suddenly, the girl said: "Husband, although my attack is high, I don't have any attack skills. I can only use weapons to make the most of my attacks. Bloodlust is a powerful skill, and the attributes spawned by it are also powerful. Only by using Weapons with strong attributes can make a qualitative change in the attack. So..."

Leng Ye smiled and said, "So you want the two brothers Longquan Baicao to inlay the fire spirit stone on the weapon, right?"

Die Wu Nishang nodded again and again, and hurriedly said: "My husband, I think so." After a pause, he asked softly: "Is it okay?"

Since the fire spirit stone can make Diewu Nishang's already abnormal attack have a dreamlike change, it's too late for Leng Ye's joy, so how can it stop it.He only heard him say: "Good wife, I have already given you this fire spirit stone, and now it is yours. As for how to use it, it is entirely up to you. But..."

(End of this chapter)

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