Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1459 SSS-level mission of the United States

Chapter 1459 SSS-level mission of the United States (3) ([-])
"Husband!!! Didn't you go to the United States to do a mission? Why did you come here to have a tryst with Sister Diewu?" Jin Nanyan joked when she saw Leng Ye, and then shouted at Zhu Longquan and Chang Baicao : "You two guys who don't wink, you are really good at being a light bulb."

Leng Ye didn't expect Jin Nanyan and Die Wu Nishang to know each other, so he smiled and asked, "Yan'er, why are you here?"

Jin Nanyan flung herself into Leng Ye's arms, and said softly, "Husband, the monsters are so powerful now, and super artifacts can no longer kill them instantly, so Yan'er also wants one. No, I found all the materials and was thinking about it." Let the two masters upgrade it!"

"It's good to be able to kill, and want to kill in seconds? It's too greedy!" Leng Ye felt chills.Before he could open his mouth, Zhu Longquan said: "Sister Yan'er, Grandma Yan'er, please stop making trouble, the materials you found can't upgrade the super artifact at all, and...and..."

Yan'er stared at Zhu Longquan fiercely, and shouted sharply: "Hmph! You want to tell my husband that I caused your stoves to explode a few times again, right? Don't tell me!" deterrent effect.

Leng Ye hugged Yan'er in his arms, gently touched her back, and said: "Stop making troubles, my husband will give you a magic weapon in the future." Then he said to Zhu Longquan: "Brother, still In your opinion, how can you upgrade the super artifact jade flute into a magic weapon?" Obviously, Leng Ye still loves Yan'er very much.

Zhu Longquan thought for a while, and said casually: "Brother, there are actually many ways to upgrade, but the materials are hard to find. If you don't have one in ten or eight years, you may not be able to get it together. Besides, there is a certain chance of failure in upgrading equipment." Dao: "Of course, there are exceptions to everything. Just like a particle launcher, with the help of fire spirit stones, its chance of upgrading is [-]%. After upgrading, not only its fire attribute is enhanced, but even the level of the equipment itself is lowered." got promoted."

Leng Ye was just asking casually, just to make Yan'er happy, but after hearing what Zhu Longquan said, he suddenly became interested, and said, "Brother, in your opinion, if you want to upgrade Yu Xiao, what kind of flying stones do you need to use?" ?”

Zhu Longquan was stunned, and said: "Jade belongs to earth, and the sound is from wind. As long as there are earth spirit stones or wind spirit stones..."

Before Zhu Longquan could finish speaking, Leng Ye took out the remaining wind spirit stone, handed it to Yan'er, and said, "Yan'er, your wish has come true!" Leng Ye was really afraid that he was fighting with the border guards Jin Nanyan's flute would attract wolves, so he didn't wait for her, and walked out of the gate of the blacksmith's shop hand in hand with Die Wu Nishang.

As soon as he got out of the gate, Leng Ye couldn't wait to ask: "Good wife, tell your husband, how did you let him see through?" Unexpectedly, Die Wu Nishang just smiled and said angrily: "I won't tell you!"

Leng Ye didn't speak either, and distanced herself directly from Die Wu Nishang, and then looked at her unscrupulously.

(End of this chapter)

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