Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1460 SSS-level mission of the United States

Chapter 1460 SSS-level mission of the United States (4) ([-])
Diewu Nishang felt a little embarrassed when Leng Ye saw it like this.However, when she realized that Leng Ye still had the see-through function at this moment, her entire face turned red, and then she crossed her hands in front of her, covering key parts.However, she soon realized that what she did was futile, because the clairvoyance skill she applied to Leng Ye was to see where she wanted to see.

At that moment, Die Wu Nishang put down her hands, stomped her feet, and said: "Husband!!! If you do this again, I will ignore you." Then she walked around behind Leng Ye, hugged Leng Ye's waist tightly with both hands, Don't let Leng Ye have the chance to face her head-on.

In fact, Leng Ye was just scaring Die Wu Nishang, he didn't really try to peek at the girl's body as he did before.Leng Ye found that as long as he didn't want to, no matter how much he stared at the girl, he would definitely not be able to see her privacy.

At this time, Leng Ye saw a very sexy girl in a light blue dress walking from east to west at the crossroads ahead. Although she only saw the profile, Leng Ye was [-]% sure that the other party was a beautiful woman .It is precisely because Leng Ye is watching from the side at this moment, the girl's chest looks more and more straight.

Die Wu Nishang obviously also spotted the girl in the light blue dress, and said with a smile: "Husband, if you want to feast your eyes, just look at her! But, after seeing her, don't look at me!" Die Wu Nishang said Sincere, bright smile.The world is big, full of wonders, but it is rare to let your husband peek at other girls/women. Unexpectedly, Leng Ye meets him at this moment.

As soon as he saw that girl, Leng Ye's heart was already itchy, and what Die Wu Nishang said made his heart feel ready to move.

"Anyway, I just took a look. She won't know, and my good wife won't know either. It's okay, it's okay!" Thinking this way, out of guilt, Leng Ye first glanced at her slender calf, and then Then he gathered his breath...

Since the girl was only wearing a dress and her calves were exposed, Leng Ye saw the terrifying bone with all her concentration, and she felt a sense of fear in her heart.

At this moment, Leng Ye suddenly found that the Die Wu Nishang on the back let go of her waist, put her arms around her arms, and said, "Husband, let's go! You've been exposed by peeking at others, and it will be bad if you are accused! "

Leng Ye was shocked when he heard it, and thought: "How does my good wife know about my peeping? It's over, it's over!" Then he stared blankly at the girl not far away, thinking: "She won't really Sue? Even if she doesn’t sue, she must know my name? My Leng Ye’s reputation will be ruined.” At this time, Leng Ye’s heart was beating non-stop, and the pulse rate should exceed every One hundred and eighty seconds.

At this moment, Leng Ye suddenly noticed that the girl in the light blue dress stopped, first glanced at this side, and then walked over.

"It's over! It's over!" Leng Ye yelled inwardly, and thought: "If a man dares to act bravely, he will die as soon as he dies."

(End of this chapter)

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