Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 146 Chaos Begins

Chapter 146 Chaos Begins

As soon as Leng Ye appeared in the teleportation formation at the station, the six girls brought the main characters of the Sword Demon Palace to pick them up—the Lost Young Master, the Four Great King Kongs, the Four Golden Flowers, and many of the sect masters, the Fragrance Masters, all came. The momentum is huge, as spectacular as welcoming the head of state.

"Welcome the city lord to return in victory!"

The sound resounded throughout the Sword Demon City, and unprecedented joy appeared on Leng Ye's face. The Sword Demon Palace has become the Sword Demon City. The most popular one is probably this gang leader.

With gongs and drums beating and firecrackers blasting together, Sword Demon City is very lively.

It turned out that the colorful crystal formed by Leng Ye and the six girls instantly killed the third wave of monster siege, and successfully killed all the invading enemies.The battle to defend the city of the Sword Demon Shrine was a complete victory.In order to reward the success of the first gang defense battle in the history of "Lingyun", the system rewards Sword Demon City for upgrading to another level. Now Sword Demon City is already a B-level resident.Of course, Leng Ye, Shuang'er and others had already seen it on the official website.

In order to celebrate the successful defense of Sword Demon City, and also to celebrate the successful escape of the seven heroes, the modeling city went up and down to drink, and even those who entered the Sword Demon City to set up stalls were allotted a cup of celebration wine.

Having said that, as the only defensive existence with the same strength as the main gods of the system's main city, the colorful crystal not only contributed to the sword demon palace in the battle of defending the city, but also played a pivotal role even after the battle.

The settlements established by players will be superior to those in the main city of the system—whether in terms of taxation or proximity to the leveling area.Therefore, after the establishment of the player resident, more and more people will come here to develop.However, safety always comes first, and no one wants to live in peace in a turbulent city.And Sword Demon City has the convenient conditions required by all players, so it is naturally welcomed by many players in the China region. In just a few days, many ordinary players in Sword Demon City have gathered.

Just when everyone was still thinking about it, the system's notification sound came.

System World Announcement No. [-]: Since some players have established a city above C level and some players have successfully upgraded to level [-], the system has entered the era of chaos.

System World Announcement No. [-]: The system has completely entered the stage of autonomous operation, and the game operates according to the following rules: [-]. The system has the right to buy and sell various hardware facilities such as land; [-]. The exchange between real currency and game currency continues; [-]. Female players When sexually assaulted, you can choose whether to appeal, and the appealee will be punished with a permanent title.In addition, any behavior of players in the game is legal.Happy gaming everyone!

As soon as System World Announcement No. [-] came out, everyone finally understood the meaning of Announcement No. [-]. The so-called Age of Chaos really turned the game "Lingyun" into a second world for human beings. Almost all players cheered and applauded for it.Since then, the game has entered an era of instability and turmoil.

Just after the No. [-] announcement ended, the system issued the No. [-] announcement.

System World Announcement No. [-]: Before the chaos, the ancient gods divided He's Jade into nine pieces of uncut jade, namely: two pieces in the China region, two pieces in the Asia region (a region composed of countries other than China), and two pieces in the Europe region. block, two in the Americas, and one in Oceania.If you get nine pieces of uncut jade, you can recast He's Bi, and the one who gets He's Bi can be called the real king in the era of chaos, and thus control the whole world.

I don't know what day it is, but the system actually released three world announcements in a row, and each one is more exciting than the last.As soon as the World No. [-] announcement came out, the entire "Lingyun" became a sensation. Not only the ambitious and unpredictable people wanted to rule the world, but even some ordinary people, bastards and rascals couldn't help but move their hearts, wanting to sit on that dragon. chair.

Although Leng Ye is a smart person, he is also a lazy guy, he doesn't even bother to take care of a gang, let alone conquer the world and become a real king.Besides, he has changed from a poor boy to a millionaire with a net worth of [-] million and a medium-sized private villa.

Things in the world are often "planting flowers intentionally but not saying anything, and unintentionally planting willows and willows to make shade". Please wait and see who can become the final king.

(End of this chapter)

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