Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 147 Meeting with Three People

Chapter 147 The three-person meeting (1)
Leng Ye, who was tired from the task of finding the Seven Fairies, didn't sleep well for seven days in a row. After getting off the game, he and Shuang'er made out until midnight, so that he didn't board the game again until the next afternoon.

After all, Leng Ye is a gang leader, and the former Sword Demon Palace has become the current Sword Demon City. Although there are so many capable people, no matter how lazy he is, he still needs to know a little bit about the big and small things in the city.Therefore, as soon as Leng Ye went online, he was called to the conference hall by Young Master Luo and Jin Dao, and they also reported the situation to Leng Ye.

The first one is about the distribution of staff positions in Sword Demon City. All the positions of Batang Shiliuxiang have been finalized, and they have also drawn up a form and handed it to Leng Ye.

The second question is about the number of people in the resident. Since the gang has been promoted to B-level and can accommodate [-] more people, they asked Leng Ye about his recruitment plan, and Leng Ye naturally pushed it to them.

The third is a general introduction to the current situation in the game: now there are thousands of gangs in Guangnuwa City, large and small, and these gangs have long wanted to establish a resident. C level cannot establish a resident), and secondly, due to the limitation of prestige and funds, the development is slow, but as soon as the system announcement came out yesterday, as long as they have money, they can establish a resident, which is also their opportunity.Among them, there are a few that stand out, one called the Ax Gang is pretty good, and it is full of high-level fighters, and the other is a mixed career development like the Sword Demon Temple, and the leader of the gang is a fighter called Leveling Maniac. Now at level [-], as the name suggests, he is a leveling madman.The situation in other cities is similar to Nuwa City, and several of them have already established their own stations this morning.

Their relationship with the Sword Demon God's Palace is average, basically there is no conflict, and it is a step back if something happens, after all, they are all afraid of the strength of the Sword Demon God's Palace, especially if they can't offend Sword Demon Leng Ye, in almost all games, the strength is always ranked first in the first place.Due to the beginning of the era of chaos, Sword Demon Shrine decided to organize some military training in order to enhance the cooperation of members of the gang. The main members of the gang must be present in order to deal with emergencies. There may be robbers or monsters attacking the city at any time. If you don't prepare well for the joint operation of the city, or even other gangs, it is difficult to prevent the ship from capsizing in the gutter.The city walls also need to be strengthened, and the stronger thieves in the guild must be selected to form a patrol team, which patrols regularly (with a salary, otherwise no one would be so stupid), and there is also a guard team in the city, whose role is to resolve disputes and protect the thieves. Gang members are inviolable.In addition, Zhu Longquan opened the only weapon store in the city, and Chang Baicao opened the only pharmacy in the city. Of course, they both belong to the Sword Demon Palace, and the two of them are at most executive managers.

According to the "Ou Yezi Collection", Zhu Longquan also realized a new method of refining weapons. There are two main methods. One is to mix weapons and other equipment together. If successful, the weapon will be equipped with other equipment. attributes, so it is no surprise that a weapon has a defensive effect. Of course, since it is refining, there will be a problem with the success rate. The success rate is related to the skill level of the blacksmith and the materials used, and it will never be [-]%.The second is the one that has just been researched, directly practicing the weapon alone. If it is successful, there will be grooves on the weapon, usually [-]-[-], which can be inlaid with gems, poems, etc., so that the weapon can be added by the player. attributes, and you can take off the inlaid things when you don't want to use it, it's so convenient.Of course, some weapons are naturally grooved, but such weapons are so rare that they are rare.

(End of this chapter)

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