Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1474 SSS-Class Mission: The United States

Chapter 1474 SSS-level missions in the United States (6) ([-])
"This kind of feeling is not for people, I can't talk about demeanor anymore." Thinking of this, Leng Ye summoned the little sun, the fire unicorn and the fire phoenix, and then gave the little sun an order to protect himself .

As soon as he turned around, Leng Ye saw that Jenny was already standing behind him, and the huge ax in her hand was already raised high, and it was falling at the moment, approaching the top of his head.Leng Ye knew that it was too late to dodge, so he did not dodge, but the sword in his hand was not idle, and stabbed at Jenny's waist with a little force.

With a loud noise, Leng Ye saw sparks splashing in front of his eyes, and everything disappeared.At the same time, Leng Ye also heard a "chi", he knew that the lazy sword should have stabbed the target.

"I can't see it, and you shouldn't be able to see it either." Thinking like this, Leng Ye tightly held the hilt of the sword with both hands, and while turning it, he pushed forward quickly.The sparks in front of him were still flying, covering Leng Ye's eyes.As soon as he turned the lazy sword in his hand, he heard Jenny's painful cry. He knew that the lazy sword had obviously stabbed Jenny.Considering that the other party was his "sister" after all, Leng Ye's movements were a little slower. With this slowness, Leng Ye felt that the target had escaped Lanjian's control.

Leng Ye ran very fast, he seemed to trip over something suddenly, and then his body suddenly leaned forward, if he hadn't reacted quickly and used the lazy sword to support the ground in time, he would have fallen to the ground.

At this moment, Leng Ye's eyes gradually became clear.Wherever he looked, Leng Ye found that sparks were still flying not far away, like fireworks being released.Taking a closer look, I found a giant ax hanging above the little sun hanging in the air. That giant ax was obviously the one in Jenny's hand, and the spark was obviously the result of the collision between the giant ax and the little sun.It seems that the giant ax is firmly attracted by the little sun, and it is obviously struggling hard, intending to get rid of the shackles of the little sun.

Seeing this, Leng Ye realized that it was the little sun who blocked the attack of the giant ax at the critical moment and saved himself, so he couldn't help being grateful to the little sun.At the same time, he also regretted that he hadn't called Little Sun out earlier in order to gain grace.

The splashing sparks fell with a splash, and as soon as they hit the ground, they ignited all the green grass underground.Through the curtain of Mars, Leng Ye found a figure. The hands of that figure seemed to be tightly grasping the long handle of the giant axe. Because the position of the little sun was high enough, that person's feet were also hanging in the air, and he was walking around indiscriminately. Kicking.Obviously, Leng Ye would think that it was Jenny.However, because the curtain of Mars is really thick, Leng Ye can only guess. As for whether it is true or not, he cannot confirm it at all.

"Husband, you are so powerful that you even defeated the border guards!" Die Wu Nishang laughed and came to Leng Ye's side.

"Defeat? Good wife, can you see me fighting the border guards? Did I fight a man or a woman?" Leng Ye was shocked.He clearly remembered what Maya had said to him, and he knew that when anyone fought with the border guards, he actually entered another virtual space, which no one else could see.

(End of this chapter)

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