Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1475 SSS-Class Mission: The United States

Chapter 1475 SSS-level missions in the United States (7) ([-])
"Husband, I don't know if you really don't know or pretend you don't know. Why do you come to make fun of me like Sister Shuang'er and others, and ignore you!" Die Wu Nishang said softly, and then turned to Shuang'er and the others direction to run.

Leng Ye looked around, but did not find Jenny's shadow, and confirmed that the figure hanging under the handle of the giant ax was Jenny.As soon as his thoughts came out, he teleported to the vicinity of the curtain, then summoned Xiaobai, and rode on it. After Xiaobai flew to a height almost equal to Jenny, the lazy sword in his hand pointed towards the curtain of Mars. The figure inside stabbed in fiercely.

The moment the tip of the sword touched the curtain of Mars, Leng Ye felt an extremely powerful rebound force. Before he understood what was going on, his whole body and the lazy sword were ruthlessly rebounded Come over, fly away from Xiaobai, and fall backwards heavily.

"Xiaobai!!!" Leng Ye shouted loudly.However, as soon as he yelled, his eyes went dark and he lost his intuition. (Leng Ye is still very fragile, but his suit will be assembled soon, so stay tuned.)
System prompt: Player Leng Ye was killed by border guards, and He Shibi brought you back to life.

"Why is it a border guard again? How did Jenny kill me? Aren't these splashing sparks from the little sun?" Leng Ye endured the severe pain, extremely depressed.

(Note: Leng Ye now has four Heshibi jade pendants on his body, which can be revived eight times.)
(End of this chapter)

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