Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1476 SSS-level mission of the United States

Chapter 1476 SSS-level missions in the United States (1) ([-])
Leng Ye didn't hear any system prompts or system announcements about the killing of the border guards. He was sure that Jenny was not dead. For a while, he couldn't figure out why the Mars that came out of the collision between his summoned object and the giant ax would kill him. But he knew very well that Jenny must die, otherwise he would not be able to take Zarsis out of the American area.

Riding on Xiaobai again, he circled around the place where the sparks splashed. Leng Ye wanted to find a breakthrough to beat the dog "hanging" on the long-handled giant axe, but found that the giant ax collided with the little sun The densely packed sparks formed a lantern-like cylinder when they fell down, so that Leng Ye would not dare to draw the sword easily, lest he would be inexplicably counter-killed again.

Of course, the Martian lantern shrouded it like a besieged city, although it was cold night and Janney couldn't get out either.

Leng Ye quickly realized this, and thought: "Could it be a god-given opportunity?" At that moment, he directed Xiaobai to put Zhaxisi on the back quilt, and then flew west to the Pacific Ocean.

"Xiaobai, hurry! Come on!"

"Xiaobai, come on! Come on!"


Leng Ye drove Xiaobai, once again enjoying the thrill of speeding, and appeared on a piece of sea in a short while.Until now, Leng Ye breathed a sigh of relief.Leng Ye learned from Maya that the sea area does not belong to any country, in other words, Leng Ye is safe.

In terms of strength alone, Leng Ye absolutely believes that it will not happen overnight that he wants to kill Jenny, and he can take Tashisi out of the American area so easily, in a sense, this is also a dreamlike miracle up.

In order to reduce the occurrence of accidents, Leng Ye continued to drive Xiaobai and fully lured him until the third morning, when the SSS-level task was still half a day away, he finally arrived in the Tanzania area with Zahis border.

After two days of flying on the sea, Leng Ye suffered from the sea breeze, and Xiaobai was almost exhausted.If it is transmitted by the border, it only takes a few seconds to travel from the United States to Tanzania, but it takes such a long time to travel by sea. Anticipation of cold nights.

As soon as he stepped into the border of Tanzania, a black border NPC strong man with a crescent shovel appeared beside Leng Ye. He swung his weapon across and blocked Leng Ye's way. He shouted, "Who is here?"

Leng Ye secretly performed a magic spell on the strong man in front of him, suddenly felt it was funny.Because the strong man in front of him, who is strong enough to swallow a bull, has a name that is extremely inconsistent with his size: rice grains.

Before Leng Ye could speak, she heard Tashisi behind her speak.I just heard her say: "Mi Li, do you still know me?"

Leng Ye was startled, and then overjoyed: "I thought there would be trouble again. It turns out Zhaxisi knows him, so it's easy to handle."

Night had just fallen, the sun had just set in the west, and the moon had just risen in the east. Under the moonlight, Zhaxisi, who took off her mask, looked so beautiful, and the rice grains were stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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