Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 149: Yujian 7 Demons

Chapter 149 The Seven Demons of Yujian (1)
In fact, Mr. Lost and Golden Knife had planned it long ago. They had already prepared a lot of mission scrolls for Leng Ye to improve his reputation, ranging from G-level to SS-level.Leng Ye didn't know how they got it, it was a headache for Leng Ye to face this huge pile of mission scrolls.

"Honey, which one do you want to do first?" Shuang'er asked.

"I don't want to do any of them." Leng Ye replied immediately.

"How can you be so lazy as a gang leader! I'm angry." Shuang'er assumed the posture of a little woman.

Lu Feng sighed, and said, "Okay! You choose one! Who told me to be so miserable."

"This is a good husband!" Shuang'er became happy.

Shuang'er picked a double task scroll, A-level, because it was the first time, she didn't choose the most rare one, she believed that it would be difficult for Leng Ye. (A level is not difficult? Khan~~~)
According to the prompt of the scroll, Leng Ye opened the mission scroll, and soon, a six-pointed star magic teleportation array appeared on the ground, he stepped on it with Shuang'er in his arms, and then he didn't know anything...

Leng Ye slowly opened his eyes, and found himself in a wide hall, put down Shuang'er in his hand.He looked around and almost fainted from fright.Because there are all kinds of ornaments hanging on the walls of the hall, and the ornaments are nothing but all kinds of skulls, human, dog, cat, tiger, etc., everything that one expects to find, extremely terrifying.

As the breeze blew, the skulls made the sound of colliding. Leng Ye was terrified when he heard it, and Shuang'er even plunged into his arms.

Leng Ye also found that there was a round table in the center of the hall, and eight chairs were placed around the round table.Leng Ye walked over, there was a sword on the table, next to the sword was written nine characters of "Patience Training of Nether Ghosts", and there was a line of small characters below it, which read: "You can leave the first floor of Nether Ghosts only after defeating the seven demons and ten thousand rounds. .”

"Honey, it's too scary. If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have come with you!" Shuang'er's voice trembled when she spoke.

"Shuang'er, don't be afraid, her husband is here!" Leng Ye comforted.

Leng Ye didn't expect to come to such a gloomy place, and he couldn't associate this place with raising the prestige of the gang leader. Could it be to practice courage?
"It doesn't matter so much, I'm tired from holding you for so long, let's sit down and have a rest first." Leng Ye said to Shuang'er, picked out the biggest chair and sat on it.

"Nonsense, you used to hold me in bed all night without getting tired!" Shuang'er immediately retorted.Since Shuang'er said this, it means that he is not so afraid of this place.

The moment Leng Ye sat on the chair, figures appeared on the other seven chairs, to be precise, they were ghosts, followed by the sound of laughing.

"Sword Demon", "Gambling Maniac", "Sword Demon", "Sword Monster", "Sword Evil", "Sword King", "Sword Tyrant" Yujian Qixiong ask the Sword Demon for advice.

Not only Shuang'er, but also Leng Ye fainted after looking at these seven people, because those seven were not human beings, but monsters with strange appearance and extremely ugly appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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