Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 150: Yujian 7 Demons

Chapter 150 The Seven Demons of Yujian (2)
Maybe it's because of his strong ability to adapt to the environment, maybe he already has immunity. When Leng Ye opened his eyes again, he hugged Shuang'er who hadn't woken up on the chair. He opened his eyes wide and looked at the There is a feeling of seeing death as home.

"Little brother Leng Ye, send my greetings to all the big brothers. As for the title of Sword Demon, it is just a false name." Leng Ye hurriedly greeted Yujian Qixiong politely. It is estimated that Leng Ye will never lift up for life.

"What kind of apprentice? Do you want to learn from me, I'll take a look first!" After the sword demon finished speaking, he looked around Leng Ye carefully.

"Accepting apprentices can't lose me, I'll come and see!"

"And I!"

"I'm coming too!"


In the end, seven demons circled around Leng Ye.Leng Ye was still a little scared, it was hard to guarantee that these seven ugly guys would not stab him, or even tear him to pieces.

"My master is a sword demon. If you want to teach me, you have to show some real skills. Otherwise, I won't follow if you kill me." Leng Ye wanted to catch him, if Qixiong was really capable, he would reluctantly recognize these master.

"What's so great about that old boy, Sword Demon. If he hadn't been careless last time, he would have lost to us long ago. What's so great about Dugu Nine Swords." Said Sword Demon.

"Yes, yes! If I hadn't let him, he would have lost without his pants." Jian Chi quickly echoed.

"How about it, do you want to be a teacher?" Yu Jian Qixiong said in unison.

"If I'm not mistaken, the seven are the defeated generals mentioned by my master - Yujian Qixiong, they don't have any real talents and learning, if you don't learn, you don't learn!" Leng Ye said madly when he saw Qixiong.

"Whoever said that we are defeated by his subordinates? If you don't believe me, we can teach you a few tricks. You can see whether it is ours or that old boy's." The sword demon said immediately.

Leng Ye saw that the other party had already taken the trap, and said: "Who knows how to blow cowhide, if you have real skills, just take it out and have a look."

The sword demon's hand was slowly stretched out, and suddenly, there was a sword on his right hand out of thin air, flashing blue light.Then, the sword demon stretched out the index finger of his left hand and stopped to stroke the sword body, murmured something, and finally shouted: "Come out."

The sword flew out with a "swish", as fast as lightning, and pierced heavily into the skull on the wall.With Leng Ye's keen observation ability, he could only see that it was a sword shadow.

About three seconds later, "Deng Deng Deng!" Three sounds, and the skull on the wall was shattered. To Leng Ye's shock, not one but three skulls on the wall were shattered.

Leng Ye liked the single sword group attack skill immediately when he saw it, but he didn't say that he wanted to learn it immediately, so as not to fall into a passive position.He just said to the sword demon: "You are pretty good at it, but you don't know about them..." Leng Ye pointed the finger at the other six heroes.

Not to be outdone, Liuxiong also performed their unique skills one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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