Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1499 The Scary Sword Demon

Chapter 1499 The Scary Sword Demon (3)
In addition to the increasing power of each knife, the Seven Deadly Swords also have a tracking ability like a missile.Leng Ye had experienced Shui Rulan's move more than once, no matter how fast his stray steps were, he would never be able to get rid of the seven-knife attack. The only way he could dodge this move was teleportation.


In an instant, the four knives had already slashed on Leng Ye's body, and the girls were shocked. They all looked at Leng Ye as if they were looking at a monster, without looking at Leng Ye at all.

If in the past, Leng Ye would have teleported immediately after receiving the first three stabs, otherwise he would have been killed by the fourth stab.Contrary to the expectations of the girls, not only did Leng Ye not die after being stabbed four times today, but he didn't even shed a drop of blood from the beginning to the end, which really surprised them.

Just as Shui Rulan slashed the fifth knife as fast as lightning, the long sword in Leng Ye's hand went up to meet him.Where the sword collided, sparks flew all over the place, followed by a deafening sound.After the knife touched the long sword, it was immediately bounced back. Naturally, Leng Ye did not receive any damage.

Shui Rulan's skills are still continuing, the sixth sword is faster than the previous five swords, and the attack is also more fierce.Unexpectedly, at this moment, the long sword in Leng Ye's hand suddenly slipped away from the path of the big knife in Shui Rulan's hand.As a result, Leng Ye's upper body was completely exposed to the sword.

Just when the women thought that Leng Ye would be cut off by the big knife in Shui Rulan's hand this time, a miracle happened again.I saw Shui Rulan's big knife slashing across Leng Ye's body horizontally, as if he hadn't encountered any obstacles, it went straight through Leng Ye's body, to the surprise of the women, there was no wound left.

Shuang'er was with He Shibi, and she was [-]% sure that it was definitely not He's Bi's resurrection. Compared with the other women, her reaction was greater, and she was more happy in her heart.

Immediately afterwards, Shui Rulan's seventh slash came again. Because the speed of this slash was faster, it arrived almost at the moment of the end of the sixth slash, so the few women who were slightly distracted did not distinguish this slash.

Leng Ye has He's Bi on his body and has absorbed the energy of the Sanneng Pill, so he can clearly see the direction of the saber and how aggressive it is.Leng Ye was also fortunate enough to experience the seventh knife before, and knew that the "net attack" of this knife on him was at least more than [-]. With this knife, he could be said to be dead without life.Just when Leng Ye thought that the saber was going to hit him, the long sword in his hand blocked in front of him at a speed no lower than that of He Shibi's resurrection, and forcibly caught Shui Rulan's seventh saber.


With the loud sound of the sword colliding, Shui Rulan's seven life-threatening swords came to an end, and looking again, the dark gold sword in Shui Rulan's hand had been broken into two pieces.

"Honey, your ninth move is amazing!" the girls immediately praised.

In Lingyun, even if it is a super artifact, it is absolutely impossible to cut off a weapon above the gold level.And Leng Ye cut off a dark gold-level broadsword with an unrefined long sword, which was beyond everyone's expectations, and their praise was well deserved.

(End of this chapter)

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