Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1500 The Scary Sword Demon

Chapter 1500 The Scary Sword Demon (4)
However, at this moment, Leng Ye broke out in a cold sweat.

The ninth form of Dugu Nine Swords is called Breaking Bing, which aims to cut off and destroy all kinds of weapons (including fists and feet) of the enemy, so as to achieve the purpose of replacing defense with offense. Its power is related to Leng Ye's own attributes and reputation .Depending on the rank and level of the enemy's weapon, the success rate of the Breaking Bow will also vary. Generally speaking, the lower the rank and level of the enemy's weapon, the higher the success rate of the Breaking Bold.

The ninth move is obviously different from the first eight moves in that it directly destroys the enemy's weapons. It is a move that only destroys weapons but does not hurt people. In a sense, this is a kind of compassionate move. .However, it is precisely because it can cause damage to weapons, destroy the enemy's weapons at every turn, let the enemy steal before fighting, and be on guard at all times, thus overwhelming the enemy in momentum.Let me ask, can an enemy without weapons still have the strength to parry?

Another major feature of the ninth formula that is obviously different from the first eight formulas is its probability.The first eight forms are either offensive skills or defensive skills. As long as the skills are released, they can be [-]% effective, but the ninth form is different.The skill of the ninth form only has a certain chance to be effective. As for how much this chance is, no one knows.From the sparring between Leng Ye and Shui Rulan, it can be seen that this chance should be quite good.If this skill can be used [-]% of the time, then the destroyed artifacts and artifacts will fly all over the sky, and no one will dare to fight Leng Ye again.

Leng Ye fell in love with it at the first sight of this skill.In his opinion, as long as the weapons in the enemy's hands are destroyed, the enemy will have no power to fight back, and it will become a delicious side dish.Leng Ye also couldn't wait to know how much this probability was, so Leng Ye decided to compete with Shui Rulan.The reason why he asked Shui Rulan to do his best was because he knew very well from past experience that people's potential will often burst out when their lives are threatened, which of course includes luck.However, the performance of probabilistic skills is largely determined by luck.

Leng Ye knew that Shui Rulan believed in him, and he also knew that Shui Rulan would do her best, and even that Shui Rulan would use the Seven Killing Swords was within his expectation.However, what made him depressed was that in the face of Shui Rulan's incisive and incisive performance, the way of breaking the soldiers he used was full of jokes, and he almost lost his life because of it.

In fact, the moment Leng Ye used the Bingbing Style, he realized that it might be over.Because as soon as he made a move in the Pobing style, he found that his hand followed the sword, which then affected his whole body.He couldn't be more clear about this feeling, it was a manifestation that he hadn't really comprehended the essence of Dugu Nine Swords.If such a situation occurs in the first eight forms, Leng Ye will be very happy instead, at least in the current situation it is very helpful.However, the ninth form is probabilistic, and he cannot comprehend the essence of the Pobing Formation, which means that this form is almost useless.

(End of this chapter)

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