Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1508 The Guarantee of Longquan Grass

Chapter 1508 Guarantee of Longquan Baicao (2)
Leng Ye nodded, very satisfied with the performance of the two, and then said seriously: "The two brothers have reached the peak of their professional attainments, I believe that the two brothers will be able to do it within half a month. Give me a satisfactory answer. Also, the two brothers are obsessed with their respective professions... Preference, I can understand the elder brother. But now that the national war system has been opened, everything must be the overall situation, so the two brothers may not be able to Just study the individual as before."

"Keep in mind the teachings of elder brother. As the saying goes, you can raise soldiers for a thousand days and use them for a while. The elder brother has given us a great kindness. We know that it is time to repay the elder brother. Please rest assured, elder brother. The equipment that can be mass-produced will help the eldest brother complete his hegemony." Zhu Longquan said, patting his chest.

"Brother, so am I. I will definitely devote myself to the research of pills that can be mass-produced. Leave all the supplies of pills in the national war to me!" Chang Baicao also echoed.

Hearing Longquan and Baicao's swearing guarantee, Leng Ye was secretly overjoyed, and the heart that was hanging in his heart for a moment also relaxed.

Just when he was about to leave, he suddenly heard Longquan and Baicao shouting in unison: "Brother, why do you have such a thing!" "Are you two really confused or pretending to be confused? These things in front of you are all SSS-level tasks." Naturally, the four of them are also rewards. Why, what’s so special about these things? Don’t you want to tell me that a few pieces of jade are more effective than siege cannons?” Leng Ye looked surprised Longquan and Baicao are inexplicable.

"Brother, I don't want to say it, but I still have to say it. If the national war has not started, these four jades are worthless; now that the national war is over, these four jades are worthless!" Zhu Longquan said .

"Yes, brother. There are nine kinds of fused jade, among which purple is the most precious. Purple fused jade is also called Yin-Yang jade, which is divided into two types: sword jade and shield jade. Among them, sword jade is added to weapons, and shield jade is added On armor. One of the most prominent features of Yin Yang Jade is that it can only be used abroad. In other words, it can only be used when attacking enemy countries. With this kind of Jade, the warriors of the Jingu Temple are not like drinking cows. Like a spirit, invincible and invincible." Chang Baicao said.

"The two brothers dare to say that, does it mean that this kind of jade can be imitated?" Leng Ye asked.

Zhu Longquan shook his head and said: "Brother, this kind of jade is extracted from flying stones from beyond the sky, we can't imitate the real one naturally, but we can find some common jade to make fakes, and they are suitable for mass production. "

"It's not enough to only consider mass production. It's not enough to find fakes made of ordinary jade that are too bad." Leng Ye said.

"Brother, don't worry, listen to me slowly. In fact, the essence of fusion jade is not in the jade itself, but in the soul of the jade. Brother, look carefully, what is the difference between these four pieces of fusion jade?" Chang Baicao said.

(End of this chapter)

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