Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1509 The Guarantee of Longquan Grass

Chapter 1509 Guarantee of Longquan Baicao (3)
Leng Ye took four pieces of jade that looked exactly the same at first glance, and looked carefully for a while, and found that two of them were engraved with patterns of ancient divine swords, while the other two were engraved with patterns of ancient divine shields .One of the two pieces of jade engraved with the same pattern has a protrusion, while the other has a groove. Leng Ye tried to buckle the two pieces of jade together, and the combination just happened to be airtight.Then he said to Chang Baicao: "Tell me!"

"Brother is really amazing. He found the problem at a glance. Admire! Admire! Brother, these two pieces of jade engraved with the pattern of the divine sword are sword jade, which are used to fuse with the sword. The convex one should be inlaid in the On the man's weapon, the piece with the groin must be inlaid on the opposite woman. As long as the man and woman who are inlaid with these two kinds of jade at the same time fight together (the distance is not more than [-] meters), their respective attack power At least twice the improvement. For the same reason, the two pieces of jade engraved with the divine shield are used to increase defense..." Chang Baicao explained.

"Brother, what do you mean by 'opposite woman'? Could it be husband and wife?" Leng Ye was puzzled and asked.

"Big brother is really big brother, and younger brother's admiration for you is like..." Zhu Longquan was the first to flatter.

Leng Ye was startled, and said in his heart: "The male gang of Jingu is 48 years old, and the female gang is 36. Among them, there are at least 20 couples. As long as they all use this piece of jade, it will be invisible to Jingu. At least 40 people have been added! And it’s still [-] elites." He smiled and said, "Two brothers, work hard and make sure to develop the formula for fusion jade."

"Brother, don't worry, with our two brothers' accomplishments, this is not difficult. But...but..." Chang Baicao said and stopped here.

"Brother has something to say, don't hesitate." Leng Ye signaled Chang Baicao to continue.

"Brother, this... must have enough African lions!" Chang Baicao said suddenly.Not only Leng Ye, but also Zhu Longquan was confused.

"How many do I need? I'll find someone to catch them right away," Leng Ye said.

"Brother, it's not a lot. 30 pieces will do." As soon as Chang Baicao said this, both Leng Ye and Zhu Longquan fainted.

In Lingyun, the African lion is a monster of level 30-[-], and its attributes are the typical three highs (high blood, high defense, and high agility). One can imagine how difficult it is to catch (tame) them.Now Chang Baicao actually asked for [-] lions, which really made Leng Ye embarrassed.

"Brother, can you tell Big Brother how to use these 30 lions? Does every fusion jade need the soul of a lion? What a crime!" Leng Ye sighed.

"Brother, it's not all right. My little brother can extract a male lion sword soul and a male lion shield soul from each male lion, and at the same time can extract a female lion sword soul and a female lion shield soul from each female lion. As long as With these 30 lions, my little brother can make 15 sets of lion fusion jade for use by the 30 gods." Chang Baicao said proudly.

(End of this chapter)

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