Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1518 The Lion King

Chapter 1518 The Lion King (8)
As soon as the two summoned objects came out, thick flames spewed out immediately, melting all the "golden mountains" in the corridor in front of them in an instant.Seeing this, Leng Ye also confirmed that the fire phoenix and fire unicorn, who are the supreme beings of the fire element, are also afraid at times, and the objects they fear are also monsters that are immune to fire spells.

Perhaps because of the mutual restraint of the five elements (fire restrains gold), the fire phoenix and fire unicorn worked together to melt all the "golden mountains" inside the gate opened on the left wall of the corridor in front of them in the blink of an eye.When Leng Ye saw that Huo Fenghuang and Huo Qilin killed countless [-]-level monster golden skull elves with a little effort, he couldn't help re-examining their strength.

Moving forward, Leng Ye and Shuang'er encountered the water skeleton elf and the earth skeleton elf one after another, but with Shuang'er's forbidden spell, all these were easily solved.After about half a day, Leng Ye and Shuang'er finally arrived in front of the nine lions after many twists and turns.

"Oh~" Seeing Leng Ye and the others, the nine lions opened their nine mouths in different directions, and then made a deafening sound.

As soon as he heard the cries of the nine lions, Leng Ye's ears were buzzing, his heart was trembling, his hands trembled uncontrollably, and he couldn't even hold the sword steadily.

"Authentic lion's roar?" Leng Ye covered his ears and took two steps back involuntarily.Just now his eyes had been fixed on the heads of the last lion, and when he stepped back, his field of vision widened, and just now he saw that the four legs of the nine lions seemed to be locked by fine steel chains, and their movements were greatly restricted.

Leng Ye laughed twice, pinched his earlobe, and took two steps closer to the nine lions, saying: "I really don't know if today is my Leng Ye's lucky day or the nine lions' unlucky day. The locked super Divine beast, haha~ It's funny even thinking about it." He was about to draw his sword, but was stopped by Shuang'er.

"Husband, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Although the nine-headed lion is chained, its super divine beast strength cannot be ignored. Let's stop fighting." Shuang'er said.

"Don't fight? What are we here for?" Leng Ye asked back.

"Husband, haven't you always advocated 'outsmart is the best, and the enemy is the next'? Besides, we just want to borrow a few cubs from Nine Lions this time, so we don't need to kill them." Shuang'er laughed. .

"How many? It's 30!" Leng Ye said.

"Honey, I've been with you for so long, and I've learned a lot from cheating and abducting, why don't you just let me come!" Shuang'er volunteered.

"Okay!" Leng Ye nodded, signaling Shuang'er to continue.

Shuang'er smiled, walked two steps forward, cleared her throat, and said to the nine-headed lion: "Nine-headed lion, I don't care if you understand what I say, I will threaten you, if you Don't send three... oh no, it's 300 million lion cubs that will be sent to me immediately, and my husband will catch them, and I will kill... kill you immediately!" She said and raised the staff in her hand, It really feels like trying to beat someone to death with a stick.

"300 million heads?" Leng Ye's heart skipped a beat and he almost couldn't laugh out loud.

(End of this chapter)

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