Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1519 The Lion King

Chapter 1519 The Lion King (9)
Seeing that the nine lions were silent, Shuang'er continued: "Tigers do not eat their young. I also know that although you are not a tiger, you are more powerful than a tiger. Therefore, it is also my fault if you refuse to hand over the cub. As expected. However, you have to think about it carefully, if you die, then the cubs will have no one to protect... Once the cubs lose your protection, they will be slaughtered, and I am afraid they will die Immediately tens of millions, tens of millions of lions will die. I think it is better to do this, if you take the initiative to hand over 100 million lion cubs, not only will I not kill you, but I will also release you. You should think about it carefully! After a pause, he said again: "I'll give you three seconds, start counting now. One...two..."

The "three" in Shuang'er's mouth hadn't opened yet, when the nine lions suddenly roared, and then spoke.Just listen to it say: "Miss Shuang'er, I can only give you fifty cubs at most, if you promise me, I will promise you."

Upon hearing this, Shuang'er hurriedly said: "Okay! Call it out quickly!" Then she stretched out her hand to ask for it from the nine lions, with a very funny look.

Hearing this, Leng Ye couldn't help laughing, and thought: "What's wrong with Shuang'er today? It's like coaxing a child. No, she is a child herself, and...and a little mentally handicapped." Continue reading go down.

"Miss Shuang'er, the lions are all in the African savannah, I have to go there to summon them, so you have to let me go first." The nine-headed lion said.

Shuang'er glanced at Leng Ye and said, "Honey, should we let him go now?" with a smug attitude.

Leng Ye smiled and said: "Shuang'er, think about it carefully, did you forget something?" He pointed to the sky.

Shuang'er immediately understood Leng Ye's meaning, turned to the nine-headed lion and said: "Nine-headed lion, I will ask you to swear in front of the nine-headed lion. As long as you swear immediately, I will release you immediately."

The nine-headed lion gave a long roar, and then swore a poisonous oath to Empress Nuwa.

Seeing the sincerity of the nine lions, Leng Ye pulled out his lazy sword, cut his finger, and dripped blood on the fine steel chain.The iron chain snapped as soon as it touched the blood, and disappeared in a short while.

"Husband, did I speak naively just now?" Shuang'er looked at Leng Ye affectionately, and asked mischievously.

Leng Ye was startled, looked at Shuang'er in surprise, not understanding her intention.

"Honey, I see you are always unhappy recently, I just want to make you happy!" Shuang'er said again.

Leng Ye was moved for a moment, and then he heard the system's notification sound.

System prompt: Player Leng Ye is being attacked by nine lions...

"Yaya's nine-headed lion backed down? Damn, the nine-headed lion can even dodge the lightning of Empress Nuwa, it's over!" Thinking of this, Leng Ye took out his lazy sword and blocked it in front of Shuang'er.

"Shuang'er, you go first, I don't care about a mere nine-headed lion." Leng Ye shouted.

(End of this chapter)

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