Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1520 The Lion King

Chapter 1520 The Lion King (10)
"Husband, I know that I will trouble you here. In fact, I will leave if you don't tell me. But the use of scrolls to return to the city is not allowed here!" After a pause, he sighed and said, "Even Nuwa How can you kill a monster that your mother can't subdue! It seems that we will definitely die here this time. However, I am very happy to die with my husband."

Leng Ye sighed, shook his head, and said: "Shuang'er, I didn't expect you to know nothing about me after being with me for so long, and you still... still don't believe in your husband's strength. This is a matter of life and death , How could I lie to you. You stand ten meters away first, lest I can't let go of my hands and feet." Although he didn't know whether the sword can be used in this area, but he also had a ten-thousandth hope, Therefore, he asked Shuang'er to stand far away, hoping to use the couple ring to summon Shuang'er after He Shibi's last resurrection.

"Okay, hubby, I believe in you, come on." Shuang'er stepped back tactfully.

Even when he was talking to Shuang'er, Leng Ye kept staring at the nine-headed lions. What made him depressed was that the nine-headed lions didn't move at all, not even blinking their eyes, let alone wanting to. The meaning of hurting him made Leng Ye wonder if the previous system prompt was a hallucination.

"It's better to attack first, and then you will suffer. There is no need to be soft-hearted to this kind of monster that even hurts its lifesaver!" Leng Ye teleported to the back of the nine-headed lion, and then used it without hesitation. Out of a trick "Wrath of God of War".The sword was fast and accurate, and it pierced deeply into the buttocks of the nine lions.

"Ah~" Leng Ye screamed loudly when he saw the red letters floating on the body of the nine lions, symbolizing the amount of blood lost.

Leng Ye has the Spirit Snake Sword in his body, using the Wrath of the God of War, he can hit [-] times the attack in one hit, coupled with the high attack of Lazy Sword, if he wants to hit millions of damage, that's normal .But what Leng Ye never expected was that in the face of the super divine beast Nine-headed Lion, Leng Ye's sword actually caused hundreds of millions of damage, which surprised him.

It's not hard to imagine that as long as the [-] times chance attack on the lazy sword can appear, with the two major skills, the damage of hundreds of millions is also being cleaned up.However, what really surprised Leng Ye was not this, but the fact that the nine lions were standing alive in front of Leng Ye at this moment, motionless.

Seeing that the nine lions did not die after losing hundreds of millions of blood, Leng Ye began to understand why they could break their oath in front of Empress Nuwa and survive.The [-] times attack on the lazy sword is not easy to hit. Now, if he wants to kill a monster who can break his oath in front of Nuwa and not return to death, Leng Ye is confident that he really doesn't have the ability, he is completely stunned up.

Leng Ye was stunned, and so were the nine lions.One person and one monster stood like this, staring at each other for two seconds, and the surrounding was even more terrifyingly quiet.All of a sudden, three groups of thick flames spewed out from the three bloody mouths on the three heads of the nine lions, and burned towards Leng Ye. In the blink of an eye, they turned into a huge fireball. Wrapped tightly inside, it burned mercilessly.

(End of this chapter)

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