Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1521 The Lion King

Chapter 1521 The Lion King (11)
Looking at the raging flames around him, Leng Ye was surprised to find that he didn't feel any burning sensation at all, and he couldn't feel the existence of flames at all, which was almost useless to normal.Just when he was wondering, he suddenly found that the lazy sword was holding it straight in his hand, going deep into the flames, enjoying the burning of the flames, and at the moment he understood that the magic immunity skill on the lazy sword had worked.

"You can't kill me with fire, I see what this lion can do." Leng Ye waved the lazy sword in his hand, demonstrating to the nine lions.

The nine-headed lions apparently also noticed this situation, and used the lion's roar again.As soon as this huge roar came out, it immediately extinguished the flame that was burning on Leng Ye's body.Leng Ye was obviously very allergic to this roar, and hurriedly covered his ears.Then, the mouths of the three heads in front of the nine-headed lions were all opened, revealing their sharp teeth, and they leaped towards Leng Ye.

Leng Ye didn't dodge either, and stabbed straight with the lazy sword in his hand, stabbing at the throat of the nine-headed lion that was rushing towards him.Not to mention the fact that the lazy sword in Leng Ye's hand was already secretly using strength, even with an ordinary sword, it would definitely seal its throat when it encountered nine lions flying towards it at high speed.

In this way, not to mention the lion's three sharp claws, even the flying flesh is enough to crush Leng Ye to death.Undoubtedly, the trick Leng Ye used was a trick of killing each other, a trick of risking his life and expecting a miracle to happen.And the miracle he was looking forward to was naturally that the lazy sword's move would kill the nine lions.

Of course, Leng Ye can also choose to dodge, and there is a great possibility of avoiding this fatal pounce.However, if you really dodge it, it will not be so easy to get close to the nine-headed lion next time. Even if you can get close, the lazy sword will not cause too much damage to it, because the nine heads of the nine-headed lion The eighteen eyes on it are enough to see this three-dimensional space clearly.

The moment the nine lions jumped on him, Leng Ye quickly closed his eyes, he couldn't bear to watch himself being bitten to death by the nine lions.Almost at the same time, he also felt a powerful force coming from the sword body, the force was several thousand catties, and the whole sword body was pressed down.Leng Ye knew the sharpness of the lazy sword. If the lazy sword only pierced the lion's body, Leng Ye would basically not feel the existence of any power. Now that he can clearly feel the existence of this power, it naturally means that The lazy sword had penetrated into the lion's body, and it didn't even reach the hilt.

There are countless monsters killed in the cold night, and it is rare to use the monster's own power from bottom to top to submerge the entire sword body into the enemy's body, which shows the power of his sword.With the emergence of this kind of power, Leng Ye held the hilt of the sword with both hands, and started to spin, twisting randomly, thus causing more damage to the nine lions.

When Leng Ye turned around, he intuited that the entire lazy sword was light and fluttering, without any resistance at all, and was startled: "Could it be that the nine lions escaped?" He hurriedly opened his eyes, and saw that the nine lions were facing away from him at the moment.What surprised Leng Ye was that the nine-headed lion was still majestic, without any wounds on its body.

(End of this chapter)

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