Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1525 The Lion King

Chapter 1525 The Lion King (15)
Leng Ye thought that the nine lions would agree, but he didn't expect the nine lions to be so straightforward, so he couldn't help smiling.Strike while the iron is hot and rob while the fire is always Leng Ye's forte. Now that Nine-headed Lions are taking advantage of him, how can Leng Ye let go of such a great opportunity, smiled, and started blackmailing Nine-headed Lions again.

Leng Ye cleared his throat, and said to the nine lions: "I admire the most loyal people in my life... and the lions. You are willing to hand over [-] million cubs for the benefit of the entire lion family to save them." I, Leng Ye, admire your own life. However, I want to ask you first, how many lions are there in your lion clan now?"

The nine-headed lion hurriedly said: "Young Xia Leng, there are only [-] million lions in the entire African savannah." He stared blankly at Leng Ye with a dazed look.

"What? You only gave me [-] million cubs and wanted to preserve [-] million lions. You are really insidious and cunning!" Leng Ye's face darkened, and he shouted sharply.

"Young Xia Leng is happy and angry, Young Xia Leng is happy and angry!" The nine lions praised again and again, and after Leng Ye calmed down a little, he said again: "Young Xia Leng, if I can't save the lives of these two million lions, I will I am no longer the leader of the lions, the Lion King..." He said it very sincerely, and at the end he cried like a child.

In fact, Leng Ye doesn't really want to have more lions anymore, he even thinks that if there are too many lions, there will be no place to raise them.The reason why he did this was to frighten the nine lions first so that he could ask questions later.

Seeing that the nine lions were still terrified, Leng Ye smiled and said: "So that's the case. Well, I, Leng Ye, will never force the 'lions' to do anything to them. Let me ask you a few words, you have to be honest. answer. If I find out that one word is wrong, I will kill you immediately, and then kill all your [-] million lions."

"Young Xia Leng, please, I will tell you the truth." Nine-headed lion hurriedly said.

"What skills did you use when you attacked me just now?" Leng Ye asked.

"Young Xia Leng, I have a total of nine skills, namely: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth five element magic skills and four non-magic skills of wind, rain, thunder and lightning. I used all these skills when I attacked Leng Shaoxia just now , However, only the four non-magic skills can enter Leng Shaoxia's body, and the one that injured Leng Shaoxia three times just now is the electric skill." Nine-headed lion said.

"How dare you hurt me, how brave you are!" Leng Ye shouted.

"Young Master Leng, spare your life, Young Master Leng, spare your life..." The nine-headed lion praised repeatedly, as if afraid that Leng Ye would kill it.

"In the whole world, there is really no one else who dares to touch a hair of my hair except Empress Nuwa and her old man. How dare you sneak up on me three times in the back? Give you a way out."

"Thank you Leng Shaoxia, thank you Leng Shaoxia!"

(End of this chapter)

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