Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1526 The Lion King

Chapter 1526 The Lion King (16)
"I have a habit of collecting strange magic, skills and so on. Although your nine skills are not powerful, they are still unique. I will let you collect these nine skills. Pass all the skills on to the 84 members of the Sword Demon God Palace, so that I can check them later, what do you think?"

"This... this..." The nine-headed lion hesitated to speak.

"I, Leng Ye, don't like to force others, especially lions... Wang. Huo Qilin, Huo Fenghuang, go, go to the African savannah, and catch all the lions." Leng Ye turned and wanted to leave.

"Young Xia Leng, don't! Don't! I promise you! I promise you!" The nine-headed lion said hysterically.

Leng Ye originally had the attitude of giving it a try, but he didn't expect it to succeed, and he was very proud of it.

"Young Xia Leng, but...but..."

"But what? Say something quickly!"

"As the Lion King, I can't leave Africa, so I can't go to the Sword Demon Palace to teach the skills in person. But I can write these skills into nine skill books, and let Young Master Leng take them back for everyone to learn."

"As long as it can be used by 84 gang members, the skill book is enough. Write it quickly!" Leng Ye ordered.

Then, the nine-headed lion suddenly transformed into a scholar-like Mr. Pianpian, holding parchment in his left hand and a phoenix feather pen in his right, and began to write indiscriminately.

Startled, Leng Ye thought: "Could it be that this is also a hidden mission?" He waited until the nine-headed lions finished writing.

From Leng Ye's point of view, even if the nine lions write one skill book every second, it would take nearly three months to finish writing the nine 84 skill books.Unexpectedly, after about 5 minutes, the nine-headed lion put away the phoenix feather pen.

"Young Xia Leng, these are the nine great skills." Nine-headed lions handed a few pieces of parchment to Leng Ye while talking.

Leng Ye took the parchment and said casually: "I didn't mean to ask you to write 84 copies of each skill, why are you so small." He just said so casually, but he was secretly happy in his heart: "Even if there are only nine copies, it's worth it!" I'm done." Unexpectedly, the nine-headed lion said: "Young man Leng, I can only write [-] copies a day, and it takes nine days for each one to be written again."

"[-] copies?" Leng Ye couldn't believe it. He flipped through the parchment in a hurry. After a while, he was depressed and found that there were only nine chapters. He immediately got angry at the nine lions.

"Young Xia Leng, don't be angry. I didn't lie to you. It's really [-] copies. Look at the label in the lower right corner. That label represents the number of times this skill has been used." The nine-headed lion hurriedly explained.

Leng Ye took a look and found that there was indeed a number "[-]" on the lower right of each piece of parchment. He was overjoyed, clapped his hands, and then heard the system's prompt sound.

System prompt: Congratulations to player Leng Ye for learning the skill "Lion Wind", please rename it.

(End of this chapter)

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