Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1532 Non-Magic Skills

Chapter 1532 Non-Magic Skills (3)
Jin Dao and Young Master Lost are older than Leng Ye, and they hold important positions in the Sword Demon God's Palace. big.

In order to prove the power of this skill, Shuang'er tried it on Jindao, Shui Rulan and others, and they all dealt more than 3 damage.That's all, what surprised Leng Ye even more was that when Shuang'er's non-magic skills were used on Jin Dao and others, they had immediate results, and it only took another three seconds for another attack to be counted.You know, after the upgrade of the attribute system, in a battle between ordinary players, it is considered super high to knock out [-] HP of the opponent at one time.

"Xiao Ye, hurry up and write the non-magic skill book. As long as there are 1 non-magic troops, I guarantee that no matter whether it is the Sword Demon City or the Sword Demon Empire, the enemy will not easily fall." The down-and-out son vowed.

"That's right. Xiao Ye, as long as I take these 1 non-magic troops to fight the national war, I promise to return triumphantly every time." Jin Dao also patted his chest and said.

Leng Ye smiled, and said: "Then I will try my best to fight the boss to explode non-magic skills, and write the book of magic skills. As for the national war, I will leave it to the two brothers."

Jin Dao waved his hand and said with a smile: "Xiao Ye, do you want to let go? Even if I agree, the brothers of Jingu will not agree! Besides, how can you, a Chinese hero, be missing on the national battlefield!"

Several people in the meeting hall of the Sword Demon God's Palace burst into laughter immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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