Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1533 The Mysterious American Devil

Chapter 1533 The Mysterious American Devil (1) ([-])
Suddenly, the beeper of the Lost Young Master rang.He was silent for a moment after connecting, and then his face suddenly darkened.

"Brother son, is something wrong?" Jin Dao asked.

"According to reliable information, the Citigroup and the Microsoft Alliance in the United States have led eleven major gangs to join hands to capture the Mexico District. Fortunately, the current national warfare system is only in the trial operation stage, otherwise the Mexico District will immediately become a colony of the United States." The down-and-out son sighed.

"My son, if that's all it is, you shouldn't be worried. Could it be that the Mexican district has reached some kind of invisible agreement with the American district?" Shuang'er asked.

"That's right. The U.S. region defeated the Mexico region. Not only did they get compensation, but they didn't know what method they used. They actually obtained the right to freely enter and exit the Mexican border. In this way, players in the U.S. region can cross the border to reach the whole world at will." Any country in the world can launch a sudden attack on any gang or even player in any country without any prior notice, which is hard to guard against!" Said the lost son.

After hearing the words of the poor young man, the few present were shocked.

After Leng Ye killed the border teleportation in the US zone, although the US zone is in a state of national war, it is difficult for players in the US zone to enter the borders of other countries unless they kill the border guards of other countries.What Leng Ye never expected was that in such a short period of time, the American devils not only entered the border of Mexico, but also captured Mexico, and obtained the right to enter and leave the border of Mexico permanently, which directly expanded the territory of the United States. Usually, the only difference is that the border guards are moved from the mainland of the US zone to the Mexico zone.In this way, the American region can't do without aggression, and Lingyunli is truly in turmoil.

"Brother son, is the American region already starting to attack the surrounding countries of the Chinese region?" Leng Ye asked suddenly.

The poor young man was startled, and asked, "Xiao Ye, how do you know?"

"Each player cannot form a team when using border teleportation, and each player's landing point is random and different. The American devils must have known the news that the Sword Demon Empire will be established. They will not allow the Sword Demon Empire Existed before their empire, so they will definitely come to make trouble when the Sword Demon Empire is established. If they travel through the border of the Mexico region, due to the large area of ​​the China region, they will be sparsely distributed in different parts of the China region. In this way, they may be killed by the players in the China region before they gather together. Therefore, I predict that they will first capture a small country around the China region, and then attack from the small country to the border of the China region." Leng Ye said.

"That's right! Since they have a way to enter and leave the border of the Mexico region at will, then they must also have a way to enter and exit the border of the China region. There are many small countries around the China region, maybe they will capture a few more, and attack the China region from all directions. ..." The poor young man's face turned pale as he spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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