Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1534 The Mysterious American Devil

Chapter 1534 The Mysterious American Devil (2) ([-])
"In this way, we have to disperse our forces to defend in different places, and the American devils will definitely concentrate their forces to attack one place after they find out that we have dispersed our defense. We will suffer a loss." Jin Dao said.

There was a moment of silence in the hall, and suddenly, Leng Ye said to everyone: "I have a solution."

"What way?" Everyone asked in unison.

Leng Ye smiled, and said: "In three days, the Sword Demon Palace will be upgraded to the Sword Demon Empire, and we will be attacked by monsters. Brother, you pass on the order, and after three days, all players above the gang elite must defend online, otherwise Expel the gang. Young master, do a good job in the propaganda work in the city, and contact our allies so that they can come to help." He said it very easily.

Everyone was startled when they heard the words, and asked together: "When did it happen?" Before Leng Ye could answer, they immediately scattered around and went to their own business.

"Honey, what the hell are you doing?" Shuang'er asked after everyone dispersed.

Leng Ye didn't answer, but said: "Shuang'er, don't be idle, call your sister Lan and the others to do some publicity work, and make sure to spread the news that the Sword Demon Empire will defend the city in three days."

Seeing that Shuang'er had also left, Leng Ye went straight to the City Lord's Mansion in Nuwa City, exchanged a few words with the City Lord, and then went straight to the point.

"My lord, is there a specific time for the establishment of the Sword Demon Empire?" Leng Ye asked.

"Young Xia Leng, don't worry. I've already submitted the founding decree, and it's probably only a few days away," said the city lord.

Leng Ye nodded in satisfaction, all of this was within his expectations, smiled, and said to the city lord: "Master city lord, I remember you told me about the engineering drawings after the establishment of the Sword Demon Empire last time, can you Lend me a few days to see it first?"

"Haha! Young Xia Leng, I feel like you came here by smell. The engineering drawings have just been drawn up. After the empire is established, it will occupy more than half of the territory of Nuwa City..." The city lord said and put a The blueprint was handed over to Leng Ye.

Leng Ye stuffed the drawing into the ring of space without even looking at it, and said, "Master City Master, can you lend me eight personal soldiers? I promise to return them within a week."

"Young Xia Leng, you must have some crazy idea! Haha! After the establishment of the Sword Demon Empire, I still want to be honored by you, my brother. Not to mention borrowing eight personal soldiers, all the personal soldiers of the City Lord's Mansion will be given away. You have no problem with my brother." The city lord ordered eight soldiers to give to Leng Ye, and made them obey Leng Ye's orders completely.

"Thank you, Lord City Master!" Leng Ye said respectfully, and added: "The Nuwa City is not peaceful these days, please be careful, City Master." Then he returned to Sword Demon City with eight soldiers.

After placing the guards in the private room of the Sword Demon Restaurant, Leng Ye wanted to go to the American area to find out the situation. As soon as he left the Sword Demon Restaurant, he saw Yin and Yang walking towards him.

"Master, the Sword Demon Empire will be established in three days. Can the two of us start working three days earlier?" Zi Xuanbing smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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