Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1535 The Mysterious American Devil

Chapter 1535 The Mysterious American Devil (3) ([-])
Leng Ye was startled, and asked, "Appointed to work? Have you been laid off?"

"Master, you are so noble and forgetful. Do you remember that my old demon went deep into the dirty land of the magic castle to inquire about Zhaxisi in the American area a few days ago? It was agreed in advance that you want the two of us to do it. It belongs to the 'Imperial Guard'." Ming Mo reminded.

Leng Ye didn't take this matter to heart at all, but he didn't want to break his promise to the two of them, so he smiled and said: "Okay! I'm officially on the job now. But..." He always felt that he just let the two demons of Yin and Yang follow , He really feels like a light bulb.

All of a sudden, Leng Ye first heard a dog barking, and then heard a human voice: "Master, you also promised me that I would be a guard with Xiao Tiangou."

Leng Ye really can't remember when he made a promise to Yuanzhiai, but seeing that Yuanzhiai came at the right time, and the combination of human and dog is a very powerful skill, he didn't object at all, so he took three people and one dog straight to Go to the border teleportation station.

In order to save time and examine the ability of the "Four Great Guards", Leng Ye sent Yuan Zhiai and Yin Yang to the New York League, while he went to the Citi Gang's residence alone.

Citigroup is based in Citi City, and its doors are open.Leng Ye rode Xiaobai, put on the invisibility ring, and flew in through the main entrance openly.Once entering Citi City, seeing the buildings and environment in Citi City, Leng Ye deeply felt how inferior Sword Demon City is.Citi City is full of tall buildings and full of gardens. It is a garden city. However, the most striking thing in the city is not these, but the lifelike sculptures of simulated stars beside the boulevard.It’s fine if it’s just a star sculpture, but what’s even more exciting is that whether it’s a male star sculpture or a female star sculpture, they are all Adam and Eve who haven’t eaten the forbidden fruit, and they don’t even have a leaf to hide their shame.What's worse, every hair on these sculptures is clearly visible, deeply attracting the eyes of every passer-by.

The Citi Gang is the largest gang in the United States. It has been established for a long time, but at this moment, there are still many players from various countries microscopically, pointing, and occasionally touching in front of different star sculptures to satisfy their inner vanity.The bolder male ugly player picked up a sculpture of a popular Hollywood actress and made obscene gestures, attracting curses from the surrounding players.From Leng Ye's point of view, Citi City should not be called Citi City, it should be called Huahua City.

Leng Ye wandered around Citi City for a long time, relying on Xiaobai's speed advantage, finally read it all.In the end, Leng Ye's eyes stopped at the gate of the meeting hall in Citi City. (The meeting hall is automatically delivered by the system after the gang is built. In the center of the gang resident, different models will be adopted according to the level of the gang. They are all buildings with only one floor and can be decorated.)
Every time a person enters and exits the conference hall, Leng Ye will use divine apprehension on this person to see the person's name, then compare the name with the information given by the poor young man, and then write them down on a piece of paper .Leng Ye kept observing like this for six hours. After everyone came out, he rubbed his eyes and let out a long sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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