Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1536 The Mysterious American Devil

Chapter 1536 The Mysterious American Devil (4) ([-])
Look again, in just these six hours, the three sheets of paper in Leng Ye's hands have already been filled with densely packed names.At this time, Leng Ye realized the hardships of the intelligence personnel, and immediately decided to give them a salary increase.

However, Leng Ye also got what he wanted, and the half-day effort was finally not in vain.

After talking to Yuan Zhiai and the others, Leng Ye crushed the city return scroll.

Returning to the meeting hall of the Sword Demon God's Palace again, Leng Ye handed the three pieces of paper into the hands of the poor young master, and briefly talked about what he had seen and heard.The Lost Young Master also carefully looked at this information that other intelligence personnel could not provide in a short period of time.

"Xiaoye, there are three players from the non-US region in their meeting today. One Vietnamese, one Indian, and one North Korean. This means that they are likely to land from these three countries and then go to the Chinese region Attack. But where is the most likely place?" The poor young man wondered.

If you can figure out where they are attacking from, this will undoubtedly kill the danger in the bud.Leng Ye couldn't figure out which one it was, so he asked the poor young man for advice.

Suddenly, Li Xiaoyun, the wife of the Lost Young Master, said: "I know, it must be Vietnam!" "Don't talk nonsense!" The Lost Young Master hurriedly stopped.

Leng Ye smiled and said, "Sister-in-law has some great opinions, but it's okay to say."

Li Xiaoyun glared at the poor young man, turned to everyone, smiled, and said: "Since people from these three countries can appear in the meeting hall of the United States, it means that there must be some shady business between them. If I You guessed right, the status of these three people in their country must be extraordinary." After saying this, he stopped and looked at the poor young man.

"Ahem~~" The down-and-out son cleared his throat and said, "Ah San is the leader of the second largest gang in India, Li Yiyi is the deputy leader of the largest gang in Vietnam, and Kim Jong-young is the deputy leader of the second largest gang in North Korea." .You guessed it right."

From the beginning to the end, Li Xiaoyun didn't even look at the list, so it's really not easy to guess these things.

"Sister-in-law is really amazing, I admire it!" Leng Ye admired this military adviser's wife from the bottom of his heart.

Li Xiaoyun looked proud, and continued: "There are many players in the Indian region, and they will not easily obey the mercy of the American devils. And if the American devils want to control the players in the Indian region, they can only control individual leaders in the Indian region, so as to make India People's "self-made" way. The three major gangs in India have always been at odds, and the American devils will definitely help Ah San eliminate the other two major gangs, so as to unite Indian Ah San to attack China from the southwest. However, this will happen in a short period of time It is impossible to complete.

As we all know, the relationship between the United States and North Korea is tense. Therefore, the cooperation between Kim Jong-young and the American devils should be a personal act, and it definitely does not represent the public opinion of the entire North Korean people.Even if the current war fails, it is nothing more than compensation. In addition, there is a big gap between Kim Jong-young's gang and the largest gang in North Korea, so it is impossible for the American devils to control the North Korean people in a short time.The American devils will not open this gap from North Korea.

(End of this chapter)

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