Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1544 The Mysterious American Devil

Chapter 1544 The Mysterious American Devil (12) ([-])
"Brother, we have successfully found out the formula of Fusion Jade, and we can mass-produce it within seven days." Chang Baicao added.

Leng Ye didn't expect that the ability of these two boys to handle affairs is really not ordinary, and he was overjoyed: "With 30 pieces of fused jade, the strength of the 30 people in the Jingu will be greatly increased. It won't be a problem anymore." He patted Long Quan and Baicao on the shoulders as a sign of encouragement.

"Brother, when Fusion Jade is mass-produced, the two of us decided to go to the North and South Poles to restore the ice spirit stone as soon as possible." Zhu Longquan hurriedly said.Obviously, he linked Leng Ye's purpose of coming this time to the Bing Lingshi.

"Brother, compared to the entire shrine, the matter of the ice spirit stone is negligible, I'll come..." Leng Ye was interrupted by the two before he could finish speaking.

"Brother, how can you say that the ice spirit stone is a trivial matter? This flying stone can not only achieve my and Baicao's professional accomplishments, but also change the attributes of the lazy sword. It is really a beautiful thing that kills two birds with one stone."

"That's right, brother. Also, after the Lazy Sword has changed its attributes, it is a sword that can be defeated by thousands of people. How can you say that repairing the Lazy Sword is a trivial matter!"

Although Longquan and Baicao said it with a smile, their tone of voice seemed extremely sincere.

"The enemy of ten thousand people?" Leng Ye's heart trembled.However, he knew that there were priorities, so he immediately told the two of them the purpose of the trip.

"What? Brother, are you really going to kill the border NPC?" Zhu Longquan and Chang Baicao were startled for a moment, then asked in unison.

"I don't know what the two brothers think. Is there any introduction in Ou Yezi's treasure book and Shennong's Baicao Jing?" Leng Ye didn't expect the reaction of the two to be so strong, so he asked immediately.

Zhu Longquan looked at each other, then shook their heads.After a while, Zhu Longquan asked: "Brother, after killing the border NPC, isn't this the same as luring wolves into the house?"

Leng Ye thought: "It seems that the two of them don't know that there are two NPCs on the border between China and India. I have to explain it to them, otherwise they don't have a sense of crisis and their brains will be lazy." There is also the matter of closing the door and beating the dog.

After hearing this, Zhu Longquan and Chang Baicao said in unison: "Brother, that's really great! Don't forget our contribution!" The two laughed lewdly.

"The salaries of the two of you are at the same level as the elders, and the bonuses are more than theirs. There is not much room for improvement. I think so, first reduce your salaries to the standard of ordinary gangsters, and wait until the American devils are beaten away. Give you two upgrades?" Leng Ye laughed.

"Brother, don't! Don't! Ordinary helpers can't catch up with our current level." The two said in unison, and they didn't even miss a word. It shows that they have been in the same room for many days, and their hearts are already the same.

Leng Ye sighed, and said: "As the leader of a gang, I will do what I say. From now on, the wages of the two of you will be the normal standard." He looked at Longquan and Baicao with a serious tone and expression.

(End of this chapter)

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