Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1545 The Mysterious American Devil

Chapter 1545 The Mysterious American Devil (13) ([-])
Zhu Longquan and Chang Baicao naturally knew that Leng Ye was joking with them, but in order to cooperate with Leng Ye's acting, they all pretended to be reluctant, and said in unison: "No!" After a while, Zhu Longquan said: " Brother, have you encountered any troubles?" Then Chang Baicao said again: "It must be because of killing border NPCs!"

Leng Ye nodded and said: "Two holy brothers, you are well-informed and have a treasure book, I just want to ask if you have a way to kill a seventh-rank NPC." The eighth rank of the sky rank, but after the God of War suit was taken away by Leng Ye, it has been reduced to the sixth rank of the heaven rank. Leng Ye said that he is seventh rank is just a compromise number, besides, the seventh rank of the sky rank The ones of the first class can be killed, so can the sixth-class ones.

Zhu Longquan said without hesitation: "Brother, Baicao and I have studied border guards for a long time. The border guards were originally a sixth-level boss in charge of entry and exit. His level is the full level of [-]. After killing the border guards in the American area, the game will automatically upgrade. Their strength has increased by two ranks, reaching [-] times the original strength. The evolution of the gods, otherwise it will not work at all." He said very seriously, which shows that the border guards are really not something ordinary people can kill.

Leng Ye was startled, and hastily pulled out his lazy sword, intending to call out the little sun, but he heard the system's reminder that it was in an evolutionary state, and was both happy and sad at the moment.Evolution means that the strength of Little Sun will be further enhanced, which is joy; evolution also means that Little Sun will have a certain chance to leave Lazy Sword, which is sad.

Zhu Longquan and Chang Baicao saw Leng Ye's helplessness, they both thought that it was because he couldn't kill the border guards, they looked at each other, and then Chang Baicao said: "Brother, it is not impossible to kill the border guards. "

Leng Ye's heart skipped a beat, and he said anxiously, "Speak quickly, brother!"

"First: As long as you can find a helper above the eighth level of the sky, you can kill the border guards with the advantage of the same level." Chang Baicao said.

"Khan~ I didn't know until today that the upgraded border guards are at the eighth level of the heavenly rank, and they are also the highest level bosses I have ever seen. All of a sudden, where can I find the eighth level of the heavenly rank and above? Female City Lord Wa's strength is good, but he won't be willing to be my thug." Leng Ye sighed.

"Brother, it is indeed rare to have people or monsters at the ninth level of the heavenly rank. But brother, I have encountered it once before. Think about it?" Chang Baicao asked back.

Leng Ye thought for a while, and said, "You mean the Demon Slayer Sword?"

"Brother is really powerful, you can guess it right. The Demon Killing Sword and the Lazy Sword are both super magic weapons. Even ordinary people, as long as they really control any of them, they only need to exert one percent of their strength to instantly kill them." The border is guarded." Chang Baicao said.

"Brother, I understand what you mean, but now that the lazy sword is no longer demonic, can it still work?" Leng Ye asked back.

(End of this chapter)

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