Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1555 The Mysterious American Devil

Chapter 1555 The Mysterious American Devil (7) ([-])
Leng Ye finally saw the dawn, and without asking where it was, he handed 2000 million gold coins to Xuanfeng and said, "Quick! Take me there."

Xuanfeng stuffed the gold coin back into Leng Ye's hand, before he could speak, the sky thunder hit Leng Ye again.

System prompt: Player Leng Ye was killed by the seventh thunder, and He Shibi brought you back to life.

After enduring the previous six thunderbolts, Leng Ye felt abnormal pain all over his body, as if his nervous system had been paralyzed, but with his strong will, he still entered Xuanfeng's special space.After this resurrection, apart from the bone-piercing pain, Leng Ye only felt dizzy and his consciousness was blurred, but in order to save this valuable life, he resolutely persisted and made the last effort to treat Xuan Feng said: "Say... tell me, how... can you... send... me back to the place where I have avoided the thunder?" Due to body pain and difficulty breathing, this sentence took nearly four seconds. time.

"Haha~ Leng Shaoxia, in the whole world, only the lifeless place in the reincarnation tunnel can avoid the attack of the sky thunder. However, so far, no one has been able to catch up with the ninth wave of the ninth wave of sky thunder before the attack." It’s there. It’s not that I don’t want to help you, it’s just that Ruo Shui and the Tunnel of Reincarnation are not under my jurisdiction, and I can’t do anything about it.” Xuanfeng laughed out loud as he spoke, his smile was extremely sinister and chilling.

At this time, no matter how vague Leng Ye's consciousness was, he knew that he had been fooled by Xuanfeng, and that what Xuanfeng did was definitely to delay time. However, this also made Leng Ye hate Xuanfeng even more and refused to kill Xuanfeng. The wind was not enough to calm the anger in my heart.

Tianlei was ruthless, and hit Leng Ye fiercely again, instantly killing him again.

System prompt: Player Leng Ye was killed by the eighth thunder, and He Shibi brought you back to life.

Eight thunders, eight resurrections, if Leng Ye is killed again, even He Shibi will not be able to help him.However, what was even worse was that just two seconds after Leng Ye's resurrection, he passed out because he couldn't bear the pain all over his body.


In a daze, Leng Ye heard someone yelling like this, carefully identified it, and heard it was Shuang'er's voice, slowly opened his eyes, and really saw Shuang'er, there were still two lines of teardrops flowing on her face .Next to Shuang'er was the naughty princess, and this little girl was crying like a tearful beauty.Shui Rulan and others also came, and surrounded Leng Ye in the middle, so that he could only see a patch of sky the size of a palm.

"Shuang'er, I... am I not dead?" Leng Ye asked the first words when he woke up.

"Husband, of course you won't die. Do you know that you almost scared our sisters to death. It will be fine if you wake up now. At worst, your level will be cleared." Shuang'er rubbed her tears and said very seriously Relaxed, but his concern for Leng Ye has not diminished in the slightest.

(End of this chapter)

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