Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1556 The Mysterious American Devil

Chapter 1556 The Mysterious American Devil (8) ([-])
"If the level is cleared, you can't die?" Leng Ye's heart was shocked, and he quickly opened his attributes.However, when his eyes fell above the level, he was stunned again, and he couldn't help showing a happy smile at the corner of his mouth.

Shuang'er and the other women thought that Leng Ye had been frightened, so they hurriedly comforted them: "Husband, don't be sad. Without rank, you still have us. In the future, you will be in command, and we will charge forward, so we won't embarrass you."

"Husband, it doesn't matter if the level is gone, isn't there still Lanjian, Xiaobai, and Peng'er..."

"Husband, I'm also tired of the days of fighting and killing. Why don't we make decisions later like the young master, wouldn't it be better?"

"Husband, without the level, we can practice slowly! How pleasant it is to practice traveling again..."


Finally, the naughty princess also came up to express her opinion, saying: "Brother Leng Ye, I'm sorry! I didn't know that Tianlei was so powerful that it killed you. I know that this time the disaster was serious, and nothing can make up for it. But let I quit the game, I don't think that's what a strong girl should do. However, Brother Leng Ye, don't worry, I will always be by your side in the future, give you good luck, protect you, and listen to your words..." Her tone was extremely sincere, and she said that she could no longer hear from behind, and her face flushed.

After a while, Leng Ye's sanity became much clearer, and the pain in his body was not so severe. He stood up slowly, looked around, and found that there were many onlookers besides a few women. Looking at their surprised looks, I thought to myself: "They must be surprised that I can withstand the punishment of the sky thunder! This is also the case. I am afraid that there is no one in the world who can withstand seven thunders in a row. A few. Even if I fall after the eighth thunderstorm, it will not hide my flaws, and it will not affect my reputation at all, and it will also be of great benefit to the reputation of the Jingu." He smiled and said to the girls: "Wife, I can withstand nine thunderbolts. It doesn't hurt or itch if the level is cleared to zero, so it's nothing." displeasure.

After hearing Leng Ye's words, the women's reaction was quite calm, but the surrounding crowd exploded.Although they saw with their own eyes that Leng Ye experienced nine thunderbolts in a row, and knew that Leng Ye would definitely die, they still couldn't help but express their surprise when they heard that Leng Ye's level had been reset to zero.Most of them are sighing for the cold night, while a few people with ulterior motives are gloating.After a while, everyone dispersed one after another, and the surroundings of the border guards returned to the calm of the past.

"Brother Leng Ye, the hat on your head just now is so handsome, it's like a lightning rod. At that time, I hoped that you could avoid disaster, but... I just didn't expect you to die." The naughty princess said.Although Leng Ye did not pursue the matter, the guilt in the heart of the naughty princess has not diminished in the slightest.

"Lightning rod?" Leng Ye was startled, and hastily stretched out his hand to the ring of space.

(End of this chapter)

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