Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1557 The Mysterious American Devil

Chapter 1557 The Mysterious American Devil (9) ([-])
The next moment, Leng Ye had an extra hat in his hand, it was not an ordinary hat, it was the "Purple Gold Lightning Helmet" he got from General Xiaomi.

"Yes! That's the hat!" cried the naughty princess.

"Husband, we all thought this hat was a special magical effect of the Ninth Thunder! It turns out that there really is this treasure..." Die Wu Nishang said excitedly.


Leng Ye ignored the girls, took the purple gold lightning protection helmet in his hand, and said in his heart: "It seems that it must have automatically saved me at a critical moment. I didn't expect it to be a spiritual thing, and it's so powerful .” Can’t help but sigh secretly: “How could I have forgotten this thing, failure, what a failure.”

In fact, the moment the ninth thunder's first attack hit Leng Ye, the purple gold lightning protection helmet suddenly appeared on Leng Ye's head, catching the lightning from Tianlei, thus saving Leng Ye After that, he easily resolved the other eight waves of lightning attacks in a row, leaving Leng Ye unscathed.At that time, Leng Ye couldn't bear the attack of the previous eight thunders and passed out. If the naughty princess didn't mention it, he would never know that he survived, let alone the reason why he was not downgraded.

Leng Ye guessed that the people around must be the same as Die Wu Nishang, thinking that this hat with purple light and magic symbols was a special magical effect of the ninth thunder, so that they would think that Leng Ye really descended level zero.Therefore, Leng Ye might as well just ambiguously speak out about his demotion, so that it can be heard by those who want to, and make the American devils more "confident" and become a soft-shelled turtle.

Although he escaped the attack of the nine thunders, Leng Ye still has lingering fears. Until now, he still regrets the bold and somewhat impulsive decision he made before, and it was this decision that almost killed him.

If one plan fails, Leng Ye will naturally adopt other methods.To find the "dharma door" in Xuanfeng's body is like finding a needle in a haystack, and it cannot be completed in a short period of time. Therefore, Leng Ye directly chose the second option~~Cooperate with Peng'er and Xiaobai, and look forward to being able to work with Peng'er and Xiaobai Achieving a mind-to-heart connection, stimulating the potential in the body, thus surpassing Xuanfeng in speed, and then slowly grinding it to death.

According to Leng Ye's conservative estimate, even if the lazy sword can function normally, it will take 24 hours to grind Xuanfeng to death, which is really not easy.Of course, Leng Ye also thought of Die Wu Nishang, who has an auxiliary magic weapon particle launcher, and believed that her attack could definitely deal a serious blow to Xuanfeng, thus greatly shortening the time of the battle. However, Leng Ye was worried that Die Wu Wu Nishang's safety, he believed that Xuanfeng, as a highly intelligent NPC, would never blindly entangle himself with him.

"It's better not to ask my good wife to help me." Leng Ye made up his mind and decided to take the risk alone and fight against Xuanfeng alone.Immediately communicated with Peng'er with his thoughts: "Good Peng'er, the boss is in trouble, can you help?"

(End of this chapter)

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