Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 156 Endurance Training

Chapter 156 Endurance Training (1) ([-])
Zheng Xiang, who was sleeping in the cold night, was suddenly awakened by a knock on the door, and couldn't help feeling the urge to kill.

"Who! It's so early in the morning, why are you arguing!" Leng Ye yelled at the door.

"It's your sixth brother! Eighth brother, it's time to get up." The voice of the sixth brother came from outside the door.

"Sixth brother? Who is it?" Leng Ye said to himself.When he rubbed his eyes and saw the beautiful woman lying next to him, he woke up completely from his dream.

Leng Ye felt a little overwhelmed, he was afraid that the sixth child would rush in.It's not because she's afraid of being caught and raped in bed, but because she's afraid that Shuang'er, a beautiful woman, will be seen by the sixth child.A friend's wife should not be bullied, this is other people's opinion, for Leng Ye, it is a friend's wife who should not be seen.

So Leng Ye hurriedly said: "Sixth brother, don't come in! I'm still sleepy."

Perhaps the sixth child was very cooperative, and replied: "Eighth brother, if sixth brother could go in, he wouldn't call you here. Get up quickly! Fifth brother is waiting for you."

"So my mission has been completed?" Leng Ye said to himself, not intending to get up, but lay down again, and kissed Shuang'er's face.

If a naked woman is lying next to a man, then most likely she will pretend to be asleep, of course, Shuang'er is no exception.

When the sixth child knocked on the door, Shuang'er had already woken up, but in the cold night, instead of showing due fear, she calmly didn't even open her eyes.But when she heard Leng Ye's words "so my task is completed", she stared at Leng Ye a little angrily, and blamed Leng Ye for not telling her in advance.

Suddenly, Leng Ye thought that the fifth child was still waiting for him outside, so he got up quickly and said to Shuang'er: "Baby, get up! I still have to do the task! If you don't work harder, how will I support you in the future."

"Who wants you to raise it, you dead bastard." Shuang'er said so, but her heart was sweet as hell, and she helped Leng Ye put on her clothes while talking.

After finishing everything, Leng Ye walked out of Lao Liu's bedroom with her arms around Shuang'er.Just as he stepped out of the room, the system's notification sound came again.

System prompt: Congratulations to the player Leng Ye for passing the trial training of the sixth child, his comprehension increased by [-], and his patience increased by [-].

"This system is too deductive! I have worked so hard to give such a little reward." Leng Ye thought to himself, shaking his head, looking like a good-looking man who got cheap.

"Eighth brother, are you resting well with your siblings?" The sixth child said with a smile when he saw Leng Ye.

"Thank you Sixth Brother for your success, I'm really sorry for causing you to spend the night outside!" Leng Ye replied with a smile.

"Why are you being polite to Sixth Brother? You better apologize to Fifth Brother! He has been waiting for you for four hours." Old Sixth whispered to Leng Ye.

Shuang'er was a little shy at first, and wanted to get angry with Lao Liu, but when she heard the conversation between him and Leng Ye, she lost her anger.What made her even more curious was that Leng Ye had such a hot fight with an NPC.

"Fifth brother, I'm sorry to keep you waiting. I haven't seen your siblings for decades, so..." Leng Ye greeted the fifth brother quickly when he saw him.

(End of this chapter)

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