Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 157 Endurance Training

Chapter 157 Endurance Training (2) ([-])
"It's human nature! Why would fifth brother blame you? It's getting late, I'll teach you how to drink!" said the fifth brother.

"Do you still need to teach me how to drink? Anyone with a mouth can do it." Leng Ye thought in his heart, but asked: "Go to your room? Or go to another bar!"

Lao Wu shook his head and said: "Don't bother, I have a thousand cups of non-drunk pill here, brother, as long as you eat it, your drinking capacity will increase greatly. And the more you drink old wine, the faster your drinking capacity will increase. Remember , the older the wine, the better!"

After finishing speaking, Lao Wu disappeared, leaving only Leng Ye and Shuang'er in the hall.

"Husband, this is your task? Hahahaha! I laughed so hard." Shuang'er laughed as she spoke.

"I also think the seven of them are very weird, but there is no way, I really can't go out if I don't finish it!" Leng Ye said with a sigh.

Leng Ye took the Thousand Cups of Buzui Pill and carefully observed it. It was the size of a bean and had a yellow shell, which looked like a pill. The ordinary ones couldn't be more ordinary, and there was nothing magical about them.

Leng Ye raised her neck, swallowed the pills like taking medicine, and there was no abnormality in her body!Leng Ye thought Lao Liu was selling counterfeit medicine.But after hearing the system's prompt, Leng Ye was completely convinced.

System prompt: Congratulations to the player Leng Ye for completing the task of the fifth child, adding [-] to comprehension and [-] to patience.

"Generally, people with outstanding abilities in real life will be superior in the game. I don't know if I will really increase my drinking capacity after taking this thousand cups of non-drunk pill? If so, I don't have to make repeated mistakes Wrong." With this in mind, Leng Ye decided to go offline and try.

In fact, making mistakes after drinking is what Leng Ye wishes for, and every time there is an affair.It is also for this reason that Leng Ye's drinking capacity is famous at home.All he wanted now was not to keep making mistakes, but he didn't want to keep making mistakes when he was drunk.

"Baby, I'm tired after playing all day, let's go down early and rest!" Leng Ye said to Shuang'er with a smile.

When Shuang'er heard this, she said "um" and went offline.What Leng Ye said was just playing games, but Shuang'er obviously misunderstood what he meant and understood it as something about two people in bed.

After going offline, Leng Ye and Shuang'er came to the private room of Sofia Hotel, and Shuang'er asked for a bottle of aged Dragon Whip Tonic Wine.

"Baby, what's this?" Leng Ye pointed to a bottle with an anticlimax on the tray and said.

"This is the old dragon whip tonic wine, very tonic!" Shuang'er replied with a smile.

"Okay, pour it quickly and have a drink with my husband." Leng Ye said.

Shuang'er poured the wine and toasted Leng Ye, but she didn't drink it.

Leng Ye drank it all in one gulp, and suddenly felt relieved, a warm current in his body flooded his whole body, and soon, he had a reaction.Seeing that Shuang'er didn't drink, Leng Ye asked: "Shuang'er, what kind of wine is this, why don't you drink it? It won't hurt your husband, right?"

"Humph, a dog biting Lu Dongbin doesn't know a good heart. This Longbian Dabu wine is aged for [-] years. It combines the essence of eight famous animals and plants. It has the effect of strengthening the body and aphrodisiac. It is the only bottle in the world. I bought it for [-] yuan." Shuang'er said word by word.

(End of this chapter)

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