Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1576 The Mysterious American Devil

Chapter 1576 The Mysterious American Devil (13) ([-])
"Haha, what the two big brothers said is very reasonable. No matter what, winning is our only goal, and I also have the confidence to repel the devils. We will see how the two big brothers cooperate later." With the team in hand, and Xuanfeng who just "acquainted" with each other, Leng Ye is confident that tens of thousands of devils will come, and he can handle it alone without the help of people from the Sword Demon Palace.The only thing he was worried about was that besides the American Devils' Divine Beasts, there would be Divine Beasts from other countries. If there were one or two there would be no problem, but if there were too many, it would be difficult to deal with.

When he came to the Sword Demon Restaurant, he found the four soldiers who had borrowed from the city lord of Nuwa City. Leng Ye talked to them in a friendly tone, and then the system announcement in Nuwa City rang. (Major city lords can send people to issue announcements, and this announcement will only take effect within the scope of their respective jurisdictions.)
System Announcement: Heroines and heroes of Nuwa City!At eight o'clock tomorrow morning, the first empire in my city will be born.The city lord has ordered that all the residents under our city's jurisdiction must unite and do their best to repel the eighteen waves of monsters. At that time, meritorious deeds will be recorded and rewards will be issued according to the amount of meritorious deeds. This reward includes...

After the system announcement of Nuwa City was over, Leng Ye opened the gang channel again and started talking into it...

The reason why Leng Ye is so "public" is to "declare" the world, lest some people will not know that Ling Yunli's first empire is about to be established.After the "City Lord Order" was promulgated, he believed that the news would spread all over the world within a quarter of an hour, and such a result would naturally attract the attention of many enemies. As for whether they could "unify" Nuwa City Residents, this is not what Leng Ye cares about, nor is it important.

As soon as the system announcement came out, Leng Ye's pager kept ringing, most of them were Leng Ye's former friends who were not from the Sword Demon God Palace, and the purpose of their calling Leng Ye was to ask how the establishment of the empire was brought forward and to ask for help. Come to help, for these people, Leng Ye really does not refuse anyone.One of the strange girls named "Fei Yatou" attracted Leng Ye's attention.

Leng Ye was not attracted by the girl's beauty because she didn't see Fei girl; she was not attracted by the girl's voice because she didn't connect to the pager; and the reason why Leng Ye was attracted by the name , that's because since he changed the number of the pager, it has been a long time since no stranger has come to the door.Therefore, Leng Ye was very interested in this girl who appeared out of nowhere, and was eager to know who had leaked her privacy to outsiders.

"Hello, I'm Leng Ye, who are you?" Leng Ye answered the beeper and asked politely.

"Hmph! Asking the truth! The leader of the most dignified gang in China can't read and write!" The girl's savage and disdainful voice came from over there.

(End of this chapter)

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