Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1577 The Mysterious American Devil

Chapter 1577 The Mysterious American Devil (14) ([-])
Leng Ye has seen a lot of unruly and willful girls, but this is the first time he has seen him who said that he is illiterate. If it was normal, he would have a good argument with the other party. It's just that "defending the city" is imminent, and he doesn't want to. Chatted with the girl, and said directly: "Girl Fei, I remember. I'm very busy now, so I'll treat you to dinner another day." At this time, the "another day" in his mouth can be guessed by anyone. It's just an excuse , which is basically equivalent to nowhere in sight.

Unexpectedly, the girl's savage voice soon came from over there: "If you ask me, will I definitely agree? I have a boyfriend, and he is a jealous person." The girl's voice revealed innocence , from which it can be judged that she is not very old, even younger than the naughty princess.

"Well, in order to prevent your boyfriend from being jealous, if there is nothing else, I will go to work." Leng Ye said firmly.

"Don't...don't! Leader Leng, I have something to do with you. I came here on my own initiative." Fei girl finally lost her composure.

"Not to mention that you have a boyfriend, even if you don't have a boyfriend, will Leng Ye definitely take it if you take the initiative to send it to your door? Do you think me too casually?" This is what Leng Ye heard from the girl. Although I thought about it in my heart, I said: "Then tell me what made you 'send it to your door'."

"Of course it's a major event! It's related to your lifelong event. But before I say it, you must promise me one thing unconditionally, and you must not go back on your word." Fei said very seriously.

"My life's event? It's too much to agree unconditionally..." Leng Ye became more and more confused, eager to know what the little girl was up to, and said, "I will solve my life's event by myself. I'm really hung up on it."

"Don't! Don't!" Fei girl became anxious, and hurriedly said: "As long as you unconditionally agree to help me complete a task, I will help the Sword Demon Empire defend the city. I don't think you will refuse such a cheap thing. "

"Is there a problem with this little girl's reasoning? Since she is helping the 'Sword Demon Empire' to guard the city and exchange missions with me, how can you say it is unconditional?" Leng Ye smiled and said: "Although each of our shrines has You are a mediocre person, but you will try your best to keep the city gate intact, so how dare you bother the lady. I can only appreciate the lady's kindness."

"Hmph! Without my help, how can you 'mediocre people' keep the city? If the city gate falls, you will lose face, Lord Leng, but you will really embarrass us in China." road.

Leng Ye didn't want to continue to entangle with the girl on this issue, so he said casually: "So you must have great powers, little girl, and you have made extraordinary moves!"

"Of course! My supernatural powers are beyond the reach of you mediocre people. Master Leng, you are well-informed, you must have heard of five elements, Qimen Dunjia, right?" Fei girl said proudly .

(End of this chapter)

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