Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1594 The Mysterious American Devil

Chapter 1594 The Mysterious American Devil (14) ([-])
"Master Leng, do you want to beat us? If you want to beat us, just say so! How do we know you want to beat us if you don't tell us. Only after you tell us do you know whether you want to beat us or not. Knowing whether you want to beat us or not, We will decide whether or not to let you defeat..." The monster Li started talking non-stop as soon as he opened his mouth, and he couldn't stop, he was even worse than Tang Seng.

Leng Ye thought it was funny when he first listened to it, but when he heard it, his whole heart became agitated, and he had to cover his ears all the time.However, Liguai's voice still lingered in Leng Ye's ears, and it didn't stop because of Leng Ye's actions.

After finally waiting for the monster Li to finish his chatter, the qin in the monster's hand rang again.Leng Ye originally thought that the music monster would play a beautiful piece of music, which caused him to experience a gap in hearing. Unexpectedly, although the huqin is beautiful, the sound of the music monster is like the sound of a mixer plus the roar of cars on the road. People are unbearable.Just like the nagging of the monster Li, even though Leng Ye covered his ears, it still couldn't stop the noise from entering his ears.

Finally, the sound of the piano in Yueguai's hands ended, and Yuguai played with the small carriage model in his hand again, and then, the sound of "drive... drive..." came to Leng Ye's ears.Leng Ye lived in the countryside since he was a child, and he had heard this kind of sound not uncommonly, which brought back some memories of his childhood.

When he was immersed in the joyful sound of driving a carriage in the cold night, the book monster took the book and read aloud again: "It's the noon of the day of hoeing, sweat drips down the soil, a fair lady, a gentleman is so good, and the same is a fallen man at the end of the world." Why do we know each other when we meet again? Those who do good will suffer poverty and have a shorter life. Those who do evil will enjoy wealth and honor. The city is full of spring grass and trees, the merchant girl doesn't know the hatred of subjugation, and across the river she still sings the backyard flowers..."

Then, the counting monster started counting again, and muttered to himself while counting: "Count the stars, one, two, three or four, no one, six, seven or eight... count the sheep, one, two, three or four." , five, six, seven or eight... the stars are shining, the sheep are bleating..."

The counting monsters counted for about 3 minutes. After that, their turn performance ended, and then they went on stage together.Suddenly, Leng Ye's ears were buzzing, and he couldn't stand it, so he even threw the lazy sword out.

"Damn, what the hell is this!" Leng Ye was depressed, he couldn't agree with the ability of these six people to make noise, and suddenly realized: "No, there is no one, and there is one..."

As soon as he thought of this, Leng Ye felt dizzy all over his head. Then, a piercing pain came from his back, his eyes went dark, and he lost consciousness.

System prompt: The player Leng Ye was killed by Sheguai Guchen, and He Shibi brought you back to life.

"Damn it, it's really insidious to use all kinds of noise to disturb other people's minds, and then let this ghost shooter strike fatally." After being resurrected, Leng Ye felt a chill in his heart, and walked around in a daze, trying to avoid the attack of the ghost shooter.

(End of this chapter)

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