Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1595 The Mysterious American Devil

Chapter 1595 The Mysterious American Devil (15) ([-])
Suddenly, Leng Ye realized a problem: "I have a [-] (percentage) full dodge in the Nine Dragons suit, plus a yellowing skill with a [-] (percentage) chance to dispel it. In the middle, is it because of the archery skills of the monster or the noise made by those five people?" At this moment, he found that there were two arrows, one black and one white, on the bow of the monster. Had to be careful.

Suddenly, Leng Ye saw these two arrows flying out from the bowstring of the shooting monster, attacking him from the upper and lower directions, the speed was so fast that it was inevitable, and in desperation, Leng Ye had to use the broken arrow technique.With two loud bangs of "Dang~dang~", the two arrows, one black and one white, were blocked and fell to the ground.

Leng Ye felt chills again: "Just now one arrow killed me, but this time two arrows hit me and I survived." Suddenly, he realized another problem: "Even if Lan Lan has With the Dragon Slaying Knife in hand, if you use the Seven Killing Knives, you have to use more than three Knives to kill yourself, and this can only be done when the Nine Dragons suit and Huanghua are not effective. It is impossible for an arrow to be so powerful! It seems that the noise is still the most powerful. I just don’t know how many people this noise can affect.”

Thinking of this, Leng Ye was shot by an arrow again, and then his eyes went dark, and he lost consciousness again.

System prompt: The player Leng Ye was killed by a monster shooter, and He Shibi brought you back to life.

Resurrected again, Leng Ye didn't want to take another arrow, so he teleported to the back of the shooting monster, and then used the "Wrath of the God of War".The monster shooting turned into a burst of white light and was sent out of the arena without even making a sound.

Just as Leng Ye used his sword to stab the other five monsters again, the other five monsters hurriedly retreated, although they all shouted in unison: "Master Leng, we lost."

Leng Ye smiled and said: "Victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs. The formations of the few are really powerful. Can you introduce them in detail?"

"Just now we used the Six Art Formation, and the five arts are to emit sound waves to disturb the enemy's mind and reduce the enemy's attributes. Finally, the archery art is used to attack the enemy, and it is fatal in one blow." One of the six monsters said.

"It's just that I don't know how much the six-art array can affect, and can the attack of archery be replaced by others?" Leng Ye hurriedly asked.

The five monsters were stunned for a moment, and then listened to the monster and said: "Master Leng, the influence range of our six-art array is 20 meters, and the archery is where the array eye is. This array eye does not need to have a high attack, as long as It only needs to be an archer, and the number of formation eyes can be up to 20. And the most important point is that the entire six-art formation will not be broken until all the formation eyes are destroyed."

"It's amazing, it's amazing!" Leng Ye couldn't help praising, and then said to the five ghosts: "The five ghost formations of the five brothers are really strange. If I didn't have the rebirth equipment, I would have died twice. Can you tell me the range of influence of this formation, etc.?"

(End of this chapter)

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