Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1598 The Mysterious American Devil

Chapter 1598 The Mysterious American Devil (1) ([-])
Putting on the invisibility ring and riding Xiaobai, Leng Ye quickly circled around the outside of the city, and returned to the main gate (south gate) not long after.Through observation, Leng Ye found that everything was going on in an orderly manner, and it wasn't as bad as Shuang'er said.

Under the leadership of Jindao, the gang members of the Sword Demon Palace guarded the main entrance, and the most invading enemies were here.The people brought by the mad dragon are in charge of guarding the west gate.The east gate is guarded by a motley group of strange men and strangers, and their leader is Shui Rulan, one of the strong women of the Sword Demon Palace.

Through observation, Leng Ye found that the most concentrated American devils were at the main entrance. As far as he looked, there were no less than ten thousand people. What made him a little relieved was that the so-called beast army of the American devils hadn't entered the field yet.Most of the people in Ximen are British devils, and there are also many hostile elements from other European countries.Most of the people in Dongmen are Japanese devils, and there are also a small number of Koreans and Indonesians among them.

Leng Ye only just found out about the "time-space teleportation array" in the past few days, but he didn't know why so many devils came here all of a sudden.But when he saw that his side was firmly occupying the advantage on the battlefield, he felt relieved instead.

"Master, it's been a long time, and these devils don't seem to have shown their true skills." The poor young man stood on the city wall and said to Leng Ye.

Leng Ye smiled, nodded, and asked: "Brother, did the devil who came to make trouble come back to life?"

"That's right, it's the resurrection on the spot. Roughly estimated, they died an average of five times each, and a lot of their equipment exploded. But we also died twice on our side," said the Lost Young Master.

"Brother, do you know what these devils are waiting for?" Leng Ye asked with a smile.

The Lost Young Master hesitated for a while, and said, "Are they waiting for monsters to attack the city?"

"Haha~~, that's right. The reason why they haven't come up with the ultimate move is that they are waiting for monsters to attack the city. They know that with their strength, even if they work hard, they may not be able to gain any advantage, but the monsters attack the city once. Then, they can take advantage of the chaos and knock on the gate of Sword Demon City." Leng Ye said.

"It's really dangerous, but when will the monster attack the city?" The poor son sighed.

Leng Ye smiled and said, "Sword Demon City hasn't been upgraded yet, so how can monsters attack the city?" After a pause, he continued: "Brother, if monsters attack the city now, can we deal with it?"

Young Master Lost looked at the battle ahead again, shook his head, and said, "Master, if there are monsters with low levels and low intelligence, we may still be able to deal with them. But the monsters established by the empire should be very strong, and they must be compared with other gangs. Before we arrive, it is difficult to defend the city while guarding against the devils!"

Leng Ye smiled and said: "Brother, you have forgotten one thing. Those monsters not only want to attack Sword Demon City, but maybe they bite anyone they see. The devils are outside the city, so they are probably the first to be attacked!"

The down-and-out young man was overjoyed, and said: "From this point of view, even if the monsters come, we have a [-]% chance of defending the city."

(End of this chapter)

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