Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1599 The Mysterious American Devil

Chapter 1599 The Mysterious American Devil (2) ([-])
Leng Ye said again: "Young master, if the targets of those monsters' attacks are devils, what are the chances of us defending the city?"

The poor young man looked at Leng Ye in surprise, and without asking any further questions, he said directly: "Then there is a [-]% success rate."

"Then we can start the upgrade of the Sword Demon Empire now!" Leng Ye smiled, whispered a few words to the four soldiers of City Lord Nuwa, and then stretched his hand into the space ring.

When his hand was taken out from the Ring of Space, there was already a special item in his hand: Ruyi Transformation.Putting on the invisibility ring again, he held the Ruyi Bian and muttered something.

Following Leng Ye's thoughts, the entire Sword Demon City was gradually shrouded in thin clouds, like a fairyland on earth.The city wall is tall and large, and there are countless crenels on it, which is more convenient for archers and slingers to attack; the city gate has been enlarged several times compared with before, and there is a mighty clawless golden dragon on the left gate. There is a phoenix with full wings, and the two beasts are lifelike, dancing around a fiery red bead in the middle of the gate.

Looking out of the city from the city wall, within 500 meters, it was completely covered in smoke, and all the people and monsters in it were hidden.Only the 500-meter gap between the city wall and the enemy is exposed to the outside. This place is just convenient for both sides to see the existence of the enemy and ourselves.

At this moment, the system announcement from Nuwa City rang again.

System announcement: The people of Nuwa City are paying attention, the upgrade of the Sword Demon Empire has entered a feverish stage, and the battle to defend the city has officially begun.All the citizens of Nuwa City must work together to defend the Sword Demon Empire, win glory for Nuwa City, and win glory for China.

As soon as this announcement came out, Leng Ye saw that the gang of Sword Demon God Palace and the enemy were fighting more fiercely, and they had driven the enemy more than ten meters away in less than a minute.No need to look, Leng Ye also knows that the other two city gates will definitely not be much worse than the current situation.

Then, the lazy sword in Leng Ye's hand pointed to the mist in the south, east and west respectively, muttering words in his mouth.After a while, he put away the lazy sword again, took out the Arctic Token, and then shouted a few words at the token.In the end, he held the command order in his hand again, waiting for the crow team to appear at any time.

Seeing this, it is not difficult for everyone to see that the so-called garrison station at this moment is just a smoke bomb released by Leng Ye, intending to kill all dangers before the official garrison begins.All this is due to the illusion created by Ruyi Bian, the group of undead monsters on Wanshou Mountain and the Arctic team.

As soon as the "siege monster" appeared, the devils became enemies, and for a while they didn't know what to do.

Taking off the invisibility ring, Leng Ye came to the Luo Po young man again, and heard the Luo Po young man say: "Brothers, the monsters are coming, let's fight the devils first, and then destroy the monsters."

(End of this chapter)

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