Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1600 The Mysterious American Devil

Chapter 1600 The Mysterious American Devil (3) ([-])
The number of monsters is actually very small, and the overall attack power against devils is not that strong.However, due to the cover of the smog and the fact that they sprang out according to Leng Ye's order, no one could know the number of monsters in this wave.However, since [-] of these monsters are monsters above the level of fairy beasts in the Arctic team, it is not surprising that they can kill a few devils in seconds, so they still have a deterrent effect on devils.

Due to the double attack from the "siege monsters" and "defenders", the devils gradually gathered together, and when the time came.Leng Ye immediately confronted the eight gunners who were in charge of the two cannons at the south gate (Fallen Angel, the Fifth Young Master of the Liang Family, Kang Xiaoyao, and Duan Xian). , four people are in charge of the other door) ordered, fire!
The eight gunners fired the bombs and ignited the fire, and in the blink of an eye, each cannon with four barrels was ignited. With a loud "boom", the eight shells fell to the ground almost at the same time, and immediately set the cannons on fire. Two groups of people not far in front were blown away, bloody and bloody, and some even flew 30 meters high, which shows the power of the shells.If it’s just like this, it’s fine. You must know that this kind of A-level artillery team cooperates with different shells to attack the enemy differently. Even with ordinary shells, it is enough to kill the enemy with one shot. In addition to being severely injured, it will also be punished by reducing it by at least three levels.What's more, the artillery shells used by these eight people just now are A-class shells developed by Longquan and Baicao with great concentration. In addition to being powerful, they also have an explosion range of 50 meters, which is enough to kill hundreds of people in one shot.

According to the feedback from the intelligence personnel of the Sword Demon Shrine, in previous large and small battles of siege or defense, no one has ever seen anyone use cannons. It can be seen that the appearance of cannons can not only cause great damage to the enemy A powerful attack can be even more unexpected, causing a huge deterrent effect on the devils who are trying to attack the city.

Sure enough, at the southwest corner of the main entrance, Leng Ye saw that hundreds of people had started to put on different kinds of equipment. Obviously, they could no longer bear the pressure of the cannons, and they were preparing to send surprise soldiers to restore the momentum on the battlefield and reverse the whole situation of the battle. up.

Leng Ye hurriedly came to the side of the eight gunners, pointed to the group of people in the southwest corner and said, "Brothers, look out for those people. After they are finished dressing, you will specifically bombard them, and you don't need to worry about the rest."

The eight gunners had been worshiping the gang leader for a long time, and they naturally knew that the gang leader must have his reasons for doing so, so they said in unison: "Yes!"

It was originally a taboo for military strategists to wear armor on the battlefield. Even ordinary people can see the changes of those hundreds of American devils.These people originally planned to change their equipment in the hidden bushes one kilometer away, but they didn't expect the fog to rise suddenly in broad daylight, and in addition, countless monsters jumped out of the fog, so they changed their equipment in public.

(End of this chapter)

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