Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1601 The Mysterious American Devil

Chapter 1601 The Mysterious American Devil (4) ([-])
Leng Ye could have ordered the cannons to directly blast those people to death, but seeing how difficult it was for them to change their equipment, it was natural to think that since that equipment is difficult to put on, it is also difficult to take it off. .Of course, another important reason was that Leng Ye wanted to see the power of this equipment urgently, and even more hoped that after killing them, this equipment could be exposed to avoid future troubles.

Leng Ye called Kuanglong from the west gate and Shui Rulan from the east gate respectively, asking them to pay attention to any changes similar to the beast team, and then stared at the American devils carefully.

What Leng Ye didn't expect was that it took the hundreds of American devils a quarter of an hour to put on their equipment. However, it was only after those people were fully dressed that Leng Ye understood the reason.

Those people turned out to be the same as the Transformers in the cartoon after they were fully dressed. What's even more ridiculous was that the leader was even weirder, and his figure was exactly the same as that of Ultraman Tiga.Under the leadership of Ultraman Tiga, those Transformers moved slowly towards the south gate of Sword Demon City. The speed was really slow enough, comparable to a snail.

Although the movement speed of these Transformers is very slow, they have unparalleled defense. Not only ordinary bows and arrows are ineffective against them, but even large crossbow arrows and catapults are also ineffective.Fortunately, they couldn't get close to the city gate for more than ten minutes, otherwise Sword Demon City would be really dangerous.

At this moment, the eight gunners understood Leng Ye's meaning very well, and they fired eight shells at once, and hit the Transformers in the two adjacent areas respectively.To the surprise of almost everyone in the city defense, only a cloud of dust was brought up where the shell landed, but the Transformers were safe and sound.

"Master!" The eight gunners shouted in unison.

Leng Ye pondered for a while, and thought: "Transformed golden light has the ability of divine beasts and super divine beasts at best, but the A-level cannon has the attack power of magical beasts, so it is impossible to be invincible." Thinking of this, he said to the eight gunners: "You guys! Try to point the two cannonballs at the same landing point, pay attention to adjust the direction of the eight cannon barrels, and concentrate as much as possible."

The eight gunners carried out Leng Ye's intention very well, adjusted the direction of the cannon within ten seconds, and then ignited the fuse.The two cannons fired at once, and the eight shells drew a beautiful arc in the air, and landed on the same spot almost at the same time, and exploded right in the middle of the Transformers.As a result, the huge explosion blew up the underground dust to a height of several tens of meters. The scene was comparable to the explosion of an atomic bomb.

After about a minute or so, the dust just fell down. Looking at it again, not only the Transformers, but also the nearby people and monsters were all covered with a thick layer of dust.

Of course, Leng Ye was not concerned about these, but the number of Transformers. Before he could count them, he heard the little donkey resist the bombardment and said: "Master, this bombardment killed [-] 'Tin Woodman'." Leng Ye He knew that the Tin Woodman he was talking about was the Transformers.

(End of this chapter)

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