Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1602 The Mysterious American Devil

Chapter 1602 The Mysterious American Devil (5) ([-])
Leng Ye nodded, thinking: "Thirty people will be killed by one cannonball, and three hundred people will be killed by ten cannonballs, so it only takes three hundred cannonballs..." He looked at the hundreds of guns under the two cannons. Cannonball couldn't help laughing.

"Hit, hit hard... hit the front first!" Leng Ye shouted to the eight gunners.

Wave after wave of cannons hit the past, however, something that worried Leng Ye happened again.Although these cannons can bombard the enemy to death, after about 1 minute, those dead Transformers will stand up again, as before.

"Damn it, what should I do!" Leng Ye couldn't stop questioning himself, and calculated: "One cannon will drop one level by five, and ten times will be fifty levels. At best, you only need to fire 1 cannons to keep them alive. The cannons can be fired twice in a minute, killing 1 monsters, and the two groups that fell before will stand up again within [-] minute. ...It's really difficult to calculate, in short, it is really difficult to win with only these two cannons."

Seeing those deformed golden lights that can instantly kill a fairy beast ice bear with an iron fist, Leng Ye couldn't help feeling distressed.However, apart from being distressed, he still kept thinking about how to deal with these Transformers.From Leng Ye's point of view, apart from the crow team, it is really difficult to deal with these monsters in front of him.

Just as Leng Ye was about to send out the crow team, his calling devices rang again, one after another, one from Shui Rulan and the other from Kuanglong. The result of the feedback was that there were monster-like monsters in the group of devils outside the two doors. The existence of the clan, and the strength of both sides has also been tilted because of the appearance of those two clans.So the two beast teams are also land teams. If they can fly like the crow team, the city gate will probably fall immediately.

"The Transformers here are slow, let's let them stop for a while." Leng Ye had an idea, and said to the eight gunners: "Avoid the Transformers and kill the rest of the devils. Even if there are hundreds of them, they will be rampant." Not going anywhere." His method of avoiding the strong and attacking the weak might not be a good temporary countermeasure.However, although he said it lightly, he never dared to underestimate these hundreds of Transformers, and hoped that he could wipe out the "Sacred Beast Team" at the other two gates first, and then come back to deal with them.

After explaining to Young Master Lost, Leng Ye instigated Xiaobai to fly towards the east gate.

(End of this chapter)

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