Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1603 The Finale

Chapter 1603 The Finale (1)
Before arriving at the east gate, Leng Ye saw from a distance a group of Hei Yayas moving towards the city gate, and when he flew closer, he saw clearly that they were all zombies.Every zombie emits a trail of black smoke, and wherever the black smoke goes, what is left behind is the wailing of strange people.

Leng Ye saw Shui Rulan rushing forward at a glance, and found that she was circling between the two zombies at the moment, using the beautiful seven deadly knives.What surprised Leng Ye was that these zombies seemed to have no interest in Shui Rulan at all, even if their poisonous smoke floated on her body, they would not cause any harm to her.

More than 80.00% of the people in the East Gate are Japanese devils, and the zombies also came out of their crowd. Leng Ye felt very strange: "The underground ghosts of the Yasukuni Shrine trapped Xu Fu and others, and they all turned into today's crows. Team, why do they have another team of divine beasts?" With doubts, Leng Ye used a magic trick on the zombies.

Once the Divine Appraisal Technique came out, everything became clear at a glance.It turns out that these zombie teams are not a team of beasts, but a team of undead cultivated by the Japanese devils through a special method.The level of these zombies ranges from level [-] to level [-], which is still far behind that of divine beasts. In addition to their good attack and defense, these zombies' special skills can also release corpse poison.

The ridiculous thing is that this corpse poison has requirements for gender, that is, it has almost fatal damage to male players, but it is invalid to female players.Seeing this, Leng Ye hurriedly conveyed his thoughts to Shui Rulan.All of a sudden, Shui Rulan notified the strange people at the east gate in a special way, and they regrouped their teams. Within a quarter of an hour, the entire east gate defense team headed by Shui Rulan once again occupied the field. Advantage.

Seeing that the zombies are no longer harmful, Leng Ye hastily mobilized Xiaobai to come to Ximen again.

"Brother, the British devils have dispatched tanks." As soon as Kuanglong saw Leng Ye, he immediately rushed forward.

Leng Ye also saw that there were hundreds of tanks densely packed, and his mind was spinning rapidly: "These tanks should be brought back as equipment, but what kind of equipment are they?" At the moment, Leng Ye faced one of the tanks Using the magic technique.

As soon as the Divine Appreciation Technique came out, Leng Ye beamed with joy.

The Divine Appraisal Technique shows that these tanks are all made of fine steel, invulnerable to swords and guns, and have three people inside. They are magical equipment for attacking cities and villages. The only characteristic is that they are afraid of fire.If these tanks were afraid of water, it would be really difficult to damage Leng Ye, but these equipments were afraid of fire, which undoubtedly gave Leng Ye the green light.

With a wave of the lazy sword in his hand, Leng Yebian summoned the fire unicorn and fire phoenix, and ordered them to attack the tank troops one by one from the ground and the other from the air.Sure enough, no matter whether it was Qilin Flame or Phoenix Flame, wherever they went, the entire tank was melted within three seconds, and the people inside also went to meet Hades.Obviously, the super beast-level unicorns and phoenixes still have an overwhelming advantage over the beast-level tanks.

(End of this chapter)

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