Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 171 Speed ​​Training

Chapter 171 Speed ​​Training (1) ([-])
Re-entering the game, Leng Ye counted the copper coins smoothly, and became more and more proficient.A few days later, the money he counted was tens of millions in gold coins.

No matter how much money there was in the Qiankun bag, it was time to draw it out. As the last copper coin was taken out, he counted it, and then he heard the system prompt: Congratulations to the player Leng Ye for completing the task of the rich ghost, speed up by [-], Accuracy plus [-], prestige plus [-].

Leng Ye and Shuang'er were very depressed, because at the same time as the system prompted, the two money bags also disappeared.

Just as the rich ghost was sent away, the angry ghost came again, and he didn't even give Leng Ye a chance to catch his breath, so Leng Ye had no choice but to accept it.

"Good apprentice, guess what the teacher wants to teach you? If you guess right, the master will give you a treasure." The angry ghost asked with a smile.

Leng Ye looked around the hall, and then at the slutty appearance of the Qi ghost. For a while, it was difficult to figure out what kind of medicine this old ghost was selling in the gourd.Alcoholic ghosts teach wine tasting, lecherous ghosts teach female sex, rich ghosts teach counting money, what about angry ghosts?Could it be that the teacher is angry?Leng Ye still wants to live a long life!Reject immediately.

fart?blow a balloon?Or hold your breath in water?Leng Ye tried his best to think about these things that might be related to Qi, thinking.

"Apprentice, I'll give you another [-] seconds, if you can't tell, the baby will be mine, hehe!" The angry ghost suddenly said this sentence, which made Leng Ye, who had always been calm and calm, lose his composure.

"[-]...[-]..." The qi ghost counted down.

At the same time as [-] appeared, Leng Ye uttered two words that even he himself found absurd: "Run."

Cold night is very lazy, if you talk about walking, maybe it can be explained, running, he has nothing to do with it.The reason why he said these two words may be due to the relationship of time. At the last second, what he saw was the runway, so he blurted out.Perhaps it was the disharmony between the runway and the hall that made him blurt out, after all, there is a reason for its existence.

"Sure enough, he is my good apprentice. The master is not mistaken. It seems that you are destined to be with this treasure." The angry ghost said, and handed Leng Ye a pill-like thing.

Leng Ye's first feeling was that it was an elixir, so he put it in his mouth and swallowed it.

"Apprentice, try your lost step!" Qi Gui said to Leng Ye.

"Master...Master, what is Mi Zongbu? Is it a profound martial art?" Leng Ye asked suspiciously.

"Whispering step is not a martial art. It is just a kind of step when the speed of human beings reaches the limit. As for Wuying, it is just a visual impact." Qi Gui explained to Leng Ye one by one.

Although Leng Ye couldn't fully understand what the qi ghost said, he also knew that the qi ghost told him to run.

Leng Ye came to one end of the track, like an athlete, started squatting, and Qigui timed him.Just when the Qi Gui called out the start, Feng Zhentian rushed towards the finish line like an arrow leaving the string.

"Not bad! Not bad!" The angry ghost looked at the watch in his hand and said proudly.

"How many seconds, master?" Leng Ye ran over and asked the ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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